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jimins eyes squeeze shut as soft gasps of air leave
his parted swollen lips, body shivering in pleasure
as his eyes roll backwards feeling taehyungs hands
grip his waist possessively.

taehyung thinks jimin looks ethereal like this. his blonde hair is slightly ruffled and scattered across his glistening forehead, hazy hooded eyes staring down at his lover as his neck adorned the most beautiful of red and purple marks which showed who he belonged to.

biting his lip taehyungs eyes darken, his large hands moving to softly slip underneath the waist band of jimins unbuttoned jeans. jimin bites his bottom lip to suppress a whimper, hips shuddering voluntarily against taehyungs own.

"fuck, baby." taehyung curses, hands moving to roughly grope jimins ass, guiding his hips to roll against his growing bulge.

"you make me so hard." taehyung growls, shifting himself up slightly so he was sitting against his head board. jimins cheeks flush red at taehyungs words, panting softly.

his shirt barely clings to his figure, buttons undone to reveal his smooth skin covered in taehyungs marks of affection and need.

jimin leans down to roughly kiss taehyungs lips, confidence overpowering his senses as he moves down to kiss taehyungs neck, nipping and sucking softly at the skin.

taehyung chuckles, "want to make my neck pretty?" jimin hides his face into the crook of taehyungs neck, feeling taehyungs needy hands grip his waist, thumbs rubbing circles against jimins slightly protruding hipbones.

"my baby," taehyung whispers into jimins ear, eyes trailing down jimins chest to the slight tent in jimins jeans. "so good, so good for me."

jimins head spins with taehyungs praises, intoxicated in the way taehyungs hands guide his eager hips down to meet his own, whimpering slightly at the feeling of their crotches brushing together.

gently, taehyung switches their positions so jimins back lays against the soft bed sheets, hair sprawling out against the pillow beneath him as he squirms under taehyungs touch.

taehyungs figure hovers over jimins much smaller one, lips attaching themselves to jimins neck as his hands trail down towards his lovers shaking thighs.

"my baby's so sensitive," taehyung says against a blossoming mark on jimins collar bone. "look at you." taehyung mutters, head glancing down to where jimins hips desperately thrusted against taehyungs leg in between his thighs.

jimin whimpers at the tone of taehyungs voice, feeling his leg press down further against his hardening length.

"t-taehyung." jimin stutters, back arching off the bed slightly as his hips rut against taehyungs thigh eagerly, hands gripping the bed sheets beneath him and eyes shutting upon hearing taehyungs soothing praises against his ear, telling jimin how good he was making him feel.

"come here." taehyung says, gripping jimins waist and moving to sit at the edge of the bed, shifting until jimin was hovering above his leg.

"ride my thigh baby."

taehyung guides jimins hips down against his thigh, slowly moving back and forth until a shaky moan left jimins lips, head falling into the crook of taehyungs neck as he rubbed down against taehyungs thigh.

"g-good, f-feels good." jimin whimpers, moving his hips more desperately. his fingers clench the fabric of taehyungs shirt, face burning red at the pleasurable feeling of his length pressed against taehyungs thigh.

jimin moves faster, head lifting as taehyungs fingers grip his chin lightly, forcing him to look into his eyes as he greedily ruts down on to taehyungs thigh, high pitched moans leaving his lips with every drag of his hips.

"do you like that?" taehyung growls, staring into jimins teary eyes filled with pleasure. nodding his head frantically jimins hips begin to stutter, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he comes pressed against taehyungs thigh.

"my baby, you did so good, so good." taehyung whispers softly, his lustful dominating aurora quickly disappearing as jimin falls against his chest, eyes fluttering open and closed as his body still shivers from his high.

"t-taehyung." jimin sighs out, clinging onto taehyung and pressing his body further against his.

"sshh, you're okay, i've got you." taehyung says, protectively holding jimins waist, hands softly rubbing up and down the sides of his chest.

taehyung feels his own eyes begin to water, the realisation of how much the boy pressed against him meant to him makes his hands start to tremble, holding jimin tighter against him in case jimin was suddenly taken away from him.

"i'm not gonna let anything happen to you," taehyung whispers, gently rocking jimin back and forth.

"i love you."


i hate myself

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