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jimin sighs in frustration, resisting the urge to run his paint licked fingers through his soft hair. his art piece is propped on a easel infront of him, but for some reason he isn't satisfied.

he can't seem to pinpoint what it is that's missing from the painting, but from the corner of his eye he can see taehyungs concentrated features accompanied by his skilled hands, crafting the most beautiful of works.

after jimins previous work had been destroyed, he had lost all hopes in recreating his original piece, so instead went for a different, rushed idea which was proven to be a bad idea.

denting his teeth into his bottom lip jimin swallows down his tears, frustration evident on his face as well as the lack of paint on his paint tray.

"hey you two love birds."

jimin looks up in surprise, eyes landing on a bouncy jeongguk who was making his way over to where he and taehyung were sat.

glancing to the side, taehyung gives jimin a confused look to which jimin returns.

"why are you even here?" taehyung mumbles, placing his paintbrush into the murky water.

"well hello to you to." jeongguk smiles, grinning widely as taehyung playfully roles his eyes.

jimin keeps quiet, watching as jeongguk pulls up a chair in between their easels and peers over at their works.

"wow, that's really good, jimin." jeongguk compliments, leaning towards where jimin was sat. "t-thanks, it's not that great though."

"what? it's amazing!"

jimin can feel himself begin to blush, feeling jeongguks and taehyungs eyes move from him to his art work.

"he's right, jimin." taehyung adds, flashing his teeth in a smile which has jimins body tingling. he slumps back in his seat, smiling lightly whilst fiddling with his fingers in his lap.

"so, why are you actually here?" taehyung asks, mirroring jimins actions and sitting back in his seat.

jeongguk shrugs his shoulders, leaning across taehyungs lap to steal his water bottle. "i always skip psychology, stupid teacher doesn't even notice."

jimin lets out a chuckle, catching jeongguks eye. "i don't understand how they don't notice. you're not exactly quiet."

taehyung nods his head in agreement, picking up his paintbrush before wiping it against a paper towel.

"you're distracting jimin, please leave." taehyung remarks, not failing to miss jimins lack of concentration even before jeongguk had came in.

jeongguk scoffs, an amused look plastering his features as he raises an eyebrow. "i will not. anyway, hoseok hasn't been in school for a while."

jimin and taehyung both stop painting, brushes frozen mid air upon realisation. jimin glances at taehyung, meeting his eyes as he once again ceases his actions.

"maybe we should go to his house?"

"i've tried calling his phone, but he won't pick up," jeongguk claims, picking at his nails as he then slips his phone out of his pocket. "let's just go to his after school."


"are you sure this is his house?" jeongguk says, shoving his hands into his pockets as he looks back at taehyung.

"i don't know, you're the one who goes to his house the most, you should know." taehyung mutters, one arm laced around jimins waist as they stand at the bottom of the steps leading towards hoseok front door.

a little while after jeongguk had knocked, a very ill, tired looking hoseok opens the door, hair stuck out in all directions.

"hoseok!" jeongguk yells, running up to the elder and throwing his arms around his neck.

"you idiot, you'll get sick." hoseok mumbles, gently pushing the pouting jeongguk away.

"i missed you, how are you?"

a weak smile graces hoseok a lips, "don't worry, i'm fine. why are you guys here?"

"let's see. you haven't been in school for about 4 days, and you haven't been answering your phone. we thought you died!" jeongguk huffs, crossing his arms over his chest as he shuffles on his feet.

"i've just got a lot on my mind, and a little cold." hoseok replies, eyes latching onto jimins small figure.

jimin, who's gaze was directed to the floor feels a pair of eyes on him, a sense of discomfort despite being pressed against taehyung spreads throughout his body.

taehyung sighs, head tilting slightly to the side as he listens to jeongguk ramble on, eyes hardening in irritation as he spots hoseok staring at jimins slightly trembling figure.

jimins breath hitches slightly as he feels taehyung press up against his back, hands gripped securely around his waist as taehyung places his chin on top of jimins head, eyes darkening in hoseok direction.

visibly gulping, hoseok coughs slightly, adverting his gaze from taehyung as he glances at the still talking jeongguk.

"so when are you back in school?" jimin asks, relaxing against taehyungs chest as he leans up to press a gentle kiss to his cheek.

"hopefully tomorrow if i feel better." hoseok replies, causing jeongguk to run up and hug him again.

taehyung clears his throat, smiling. "take all the time you need off."


I'm sorry for the late update, Wattpad had deleted Suicidal for about a day and now they've done the same to Atelophobia and Monophobia.

I don't know what's going on :(

I'm lacking a lot of support and motivation right now and I'm not feeling too great in myself with what's been happening so I'm sorry

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