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a week and a bit had passed since the incident at school had happened, and since then jimin has been taehyungs main priority.

it had been over week since jimin felt taehyungs lips on his own for the first time, and he hadn't had the urge to conflict harm upon his already scarred torn wrists.

jimin savours the memories of warmth and love whilst being held in taehyungs arms, his soothing words speaking louder whilst overpowering jimins demons.

taehyungs possessiveness lingers in the air and imprints itself onto jimins skin, reassuring him that with every touch of taehyungs fingertips meant that he was cared for – and if anything bad was to happen to him, taehyung would shatter the worlds of those involved.

jimin notices how time goes slower then they are together. now they are on taehyungs sofa, smiles gracing each of their faces as jimin sits comfortably on taehyungs lap, secreting warmth between the two bodies.

"bed head." jimin mumbles, eyes attached to taehyungs hair which was currently stuck out in all directions.

jimins hair, on the other hand, was softly bounced to frame the shape of his thin face, thick locks brushed neatly to the side as he watches taehyungs eyebrow raise.

"bed head, huh?" taehyung smiles mischievously, fingers latching onto jimins sides as he begins to tickle the smallers waist.

jimins eyes widened as he squirmed against taehyungs laps, loud giggles slipping past his lips as he weakly attempts to push taehyungs hands away from tickling him.

soon jimin found himself laying with his back against the sofa, tears in his eyes as he shakes his head.

"s-stop!" jimin attempts to yell, watching as taehyung paused his actions to glance at jimins hair which was now the same as his.

"only if you kiss me."

jimin paused, cheeks flushing even redder than they already were as taehyungs eyes trail down to his lips.

leaning up jimin presses a chaste kiss to taehyungs lips before leaning back down, his hair sprawled against the cushion supporting his head.

with parted lips jimin breathes heavily, watching as taehyungs hair falls over his forehead hindering his vision of jimin the slightest which had him blushing.

a small smile plays taehyungs lips as he lovingly stares down at the male beneath him, watching jimins flustered state relaxe underneath taehyungs grip.


jimin asks as taehyungs gaze and smile only seem to deepen more in admiration, silence ensuing as taehyung manages to blink.


"tell me!" jimin whines, pouting his plush lips as his eyebrows furrow, soft eyes hardening in frustration.

taehyung chuckles, leaning down to press a light kiss to jimins pouting lips. "whiny baby."

jimin pouts even harder, crossing his arms against his chest causing taehyung to laugh even harder.

"if i give you something, will you cheer up?"

jimins nose scrunched feeling taehyungs hair tickle his nose, taking what taehyung said into consideration.

jimin timidly nodded his head, suppressing another whine as taehyung shifted himself so he was now standing besides the sofa, eyes searching the small living room before they latched onto his art studio door.

as taehyung made his way over to his art studio, jimin sat himself up, messily attempting to pat down his ruffled hair which was once neatly brushed.

jimin was already beginning to miss taehyungs warmth and company, not liking being alone for even a second.

luckily for jimin, taehyung returned about a minute later holding something behind his back.

"w-what is that?" jimin stuttered, cheeks flushing with slight embarrassment as taehyung stood in front of him.

taehyungs hands held out in front of him a piece of cartridge paper, adorned with skilful pencil shadings which created a beautiful portrait.

"i drew this for you."

taehyung smiled, handing jimin the piece of paper as his eyes widened.

"taehyung... this is amazing." jimin whispered, eyes tracing over the portrait of himself which taehyung had drew for him.

jimin felt his heart beat against his chest, a feeling of euphoria spreading through his veins as he carefully holds the delicate paper in his hands.

"i hope you like it."

"i love it." jimin replied, no one had ever done anything like this for him before.

no one had ever made him feel this loved.

cute little filler chapter
longer chapters soon :)
just figuring out the plot

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