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"there was always this feeling of emptiness

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"there was always this feeling of emptiness."

reaching forward jimin pulled out his tattered school books from his locker, the papers having to endure harsh encounters with the dirtied floor whenever jimin was tripped up.

slamming his locker shut jimin flinched, not expecting to see hoseok standing next to him with a suggestive look on his face.

"so, you and taehyung eh?" hoseok suggestively spoke, his eyebrow raised as he chuckled, watching jimins cheeks convert from adorned pale white roses to one of reds.

"go away hoseok." jimin joked, smiling although embarrassment was clearly present in the way his flustered cheek lit up at the mention of a certain males name.

hoseok silently chuckled, a lopsided smile making its way onto his face as he stared intently into jimins eyes.

"what's happening here?"

a deep voice surfaced, taehyungs soothing aurora making itself present as the smell of comfort and musk invaded jimins hazy senses.

"nothing, nothing." hoseok giggled, blowing a kiss towards jimin before walking down the hallway.

blushing even harder than before jimin turned to face the younger behind him, he noticed how taehyungs hair was rather messy - his breathing slightly erratic and chest heaving heavily up and down.

"hey, ready to go to art?" taehyung broke the silence, smiling as jimin gently nodded his head, blonde hair falling in between his beautiful irises and blurring his vision the slightest.

"a-are you alright? you look out of breath." jimin mumbled, feeling taehyungs eyes devour his body as they both walked to their art class.

"just a certain someone on my mind." taehyung confessed, a small smirk painting his features as jimin turned to look at him.

not understanding exactly what taehyung had said, jimin just nodded once more, his words entangling in his throat causing him to gulp thickly.

jimin didn't know how to feel, he couldn't grasp why someone like taehyung would want to seemingly be his friend, or even care about him in the first place. the conflict between the voices in his head yelling at him that all taehyung was going to do was use him, and that his bullies would sill torment him every chance they could to weakened his demeanour, until he would do anything to harm himself to punish himself for just being him.

jolting slightly at the fingers now laced with his own jimins eyes widened, glancing up to see taehyung staring intently down at him, immense concern showing through the way his face hardened at jimins glossy eyes and trembling lips.

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