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the two boys footsteps echo throughout the empty hallway, jimins scuffed shoes dragging themselves lazily across the floor as a equally as tired hoseok walks beside him.

jimins fingers clench the hem of his school shirt, he hasn't seen taehyung at all today since the weekend, and he feels himself getting increasingly hot at his thought. hoseok snaps his fingers infront of jimins face, snapping him out of his dazed flustered.

"pretty neck." hoseok remarks, and jimin can't tell if it was jealousy or anger in his voice, but he blushes even more.

a bad feeling spreads throughout jimins chest, attacking his limbs and swimming throughout his bones. he slows down, causing hoseok to turn around and give him a confused stare.

before jimin could open his mouth and speak jeongguk comes running down the corridor, breathing heavy whilst his chests rises up and down in an attempt to regain his breath.

"hey guys." jeongguk smiles, running his tongue across his partially dry lips.

jimin is silent, wide eyes taking in jeongguks disheveled hair and ruffled up blazer, smiling

soon his thoughts once again wander to taehyung, his name marks itself on jimins skin through the harsh colours of red and purple blossoming on his thighs and neck, and jimin can feel himself wanting more.

"w-where's taehyung?" jimin says quietly, mentally cursing at himself for stuttering.

jeongguk stays mute, eyes not meeting jimins own whilst he runs a trembling hand throughout his hair in an attempt to fix it.

"he was sent home," jeongguk smiles lightly, leaning forwards so he could speak into jimins ear. "he doesn't want me to let you out of my sight."

at this jimin blushes, warmth overpowering his senses at the thought of taehyung still thinking of him even though he wasn't there. biting the inside of his cheek jimin frowns slightly, the bitter taste of sadness soon imprinting itself onto his tongue.

taehyung wasn't here, he wasn't here to hold jimins shaking frame when his anxieties played with the strings of his heart and although it was only the beginning of the day, jimin was dreading the rest of it.

tears swim in the depths of jimins eyes, he feels pathetic, wanting nothing more than to be in taehyungs arms. but he knows he can't.

hoseoks face turns into one of concern, glancing between the two males. jeongguk gently grabs jimins hand, pulling him across the hallway whilst simultaneously sending hoseok a look not to follow.

jimin stumbles as jeongguk pulls him towards the end of the corridor, snivelling in sadness before quickly wiping away a fallen tear running down his cheek.

"taehyungs fine-"

"i-i know but i miss him." jimin says sadly, gaze dropping to the floor in an attempt to hide his tear slicked face.

jeongguk feels his heart break, eyes hardening at the sight of jimin slowly breaking down in front of him. jeongguk knew taehyung and jimin cared about each other, but never had he seen such love and adoration in two lovers eyes before.

the only sound that could be heard was the quiet noise of jimins sniffs, until the loud slam of a distant door jolts both jeongguks and jimins figure.

jeongguk stiffens, fists clenching at his sides whilst he steps in front of jimin, pushing the smaller behind him.

jimins eyes widen, the tremble in his body deepening as each of his bullies limp past. jimin notices as they walk past that each of them possess the same limp, lips cut and searing red accompanied by purple blemishes and dried blood littering their face.

they all glare at jimins direction, which was short lived as jeongguk quickly pushes jimin further behind him, a low sound forming in the back of his throat as a warning.

their uniforms had been dampened with an unknown substance, and suddenly jimin finds himself only now noticing jeongguks slightly bruised cheeks and blooded lip too.

jimins head begins to hurt, his mind spinning until he slowly manages to piece everything together.

"did t-taehyung get hurt because of me?"

jeongguk doesn't say anything, slowly turning around to be met with jimins trembling bottom lip and oncoming tears gathering in his eyelashes.

without saying anything jeongguk pulls jimin towards his chest, hugging him tightly as he begins to cry loudly against him.

"n-no i don't w-want anyone to get h-hurt because of m-me." jimin cries sadly, his fingers clenching around jeongguks blooded school shirt.

jeongguk gently rocks jimin back and forth, running a gentle hand through his hair all whilst attempting to ignore the pain shooting through his ribs.

he feels his shake worsen, jimins thoughts fill with the image of taehyung and whether or not he was okay – this was all his fault.

"jimin, taehyungs okay, i promise. i just want you to know he loves you very much. okay?"

i'm sorry this chapters awful
i should probably just stop writing all

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