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the dull ache spreading throughout his destroyed arm is what wakes jimin up, the strong smell of blood burning the insides of his nose and sticking to his skin as his blurry eyes focus on his surroundings.

his head weakly lifts from the ground, the bathroom is cold and splatters of blood litter the floor and walls. jimin winces at the sudden searing hot pain digging into his arm, looking down to see deep red cuts across his wrist.

his bottom lip starts trembling in pain and fear, the cut on his lip stings slightly but jimin can't bring himself to care as he harshly dents his teeth into his lips to stop them from shaking.

standing up on shaking legs jimin glances at himself in the mirror, his eyes wide and red rimmed. his hand traces a bruise adorning his jaw, and as the caked blood begins to feel uncomfortable on his arm, he is reminded of how worthless he is.

jimin snivels, his body shaking as he peels off his stained school shirt and jeans with much difficulty. jimin didn't care about the time, but basing his judgement on the high risen sun seen through the window jimin knew he was very late to school.

a pained gasp leaves his lips as his skin tears with his every move, tearful eyes refusing to look at his naked reflection in the mirror as he steps underneath the shower. temporary pleasure washes over his body as he feels the warm water drip down his slim figure, which was short lived as he cried out in pain when the water ran throughout his cut littered wrist, washing away the dried up blood to reveal the deep cuts embedded into his skin.

jimin ignores the pain, clenching his jaw. he washes his hair until the water decides to run cold, stepping out of the shower and grabbing a white towel he messily wraps around his waist.

his fingers reach for the bandages on one of the cabinet shelves, the ones taehyung had bought for him. jimins throat tightens, shame flowing through his veins as he clenches the bandage between his fingers.

he doesn't want to see taehyungs face if he ever finds out what jimin had done the night before, and jimin now finds himself wishing he had cut deeper so people wouldn't have to deal with him.

with shaking fingers he messily wraps the bandage around his wrist, the blood still seeping through faintly despite his efforts of cleaning his cuts properly.

jimin grabs a new school shirt and jeans from his wardrobe, buttoning up his shirt as he weakly slips his blazer over his shoulders. his arm aches, noticeably shaking as he stares at himself in the mirror. the bruise painting his jaw was a light purple shade, the cut splitting his plush lips as he sadly looks down at his too big thighs.

shaking his head jimin rubs his eyes with the back of his hand, shutting the bathroom door as he quietly makes his way downstairs to his backpack where he could hear his phone vibrating.

picking up his phone jimin feels his heart drop at the amount of messages he had received from taehyung and a few from jeongguk and hoseok. he sighs, slipping his phone into his blazer pocket as he silently makes his way out of his house with a bleeding arm and a empty feeling in his chest.


taehyung sits quietly at the lunch table, foot bouncing up and down against the floor as his eyes harden. his nerves are flamed, each sense heightened as the anxiety in his chest worsens with each passing second.

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