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jimin fiddles with the blanket strewn across his lap, staring at his homework in distaste as he bites the inners of his cheek in annoyance.

he's nearly finished his homework, and of course he's left it all until the last minute on a sunday evening.

if his parents noticed his slacking behaviour, jimin wouldn't want to think what his dad would do.

quickly writing down the last few words on his ivory coloured notepad a small smile tugs at his lips, stretching his arms above his head as a small yawn shakes his entire weakening body.

gently shutting his eyes jimin attempts to calm his stressed nerves, cracking his head from side to side. the comfortable silence which didn't last long was disrupted when jimins phone vibrated against his thigh, taehyungs name flashing against the screen.

jimin could already feel his cheeks burn and heart race, small hands quickly coming to pick up his phone as he opens the message taehyung had sent him.

meet me by the park.


jimin tries to stop the smile spreading throughout his features. running a hand through the lengths of his hair he slides on a black coat and a scarf, admittedly missing taehyung despite only seeing him a day ago.

he sneaks downstairs, avoiding his parents who don't even take the slightest notice of him anyway unless it was to tell him that he was worthless.

but he already knew that.

he steps outside the cold air immediate hitting his delicate features. he grimaces, shoving his now shaking hands into his coat pockets as he makes his way to the park.

that park held a lot of memories to jimin, it was where he and taehyung had their first kiss. jimin blushes just thinking about it, snuggling into the scarf he had wrapped around his neck.

soon the park comes into his view, and with that he sees taehyung sitting down on the bench, one leg jittering up and down which jimin had noticed was a habit of his.

jimin coughs cutely to get taehyungs attention, and as soon as taehyun turns his head he smiles widely –eyes shining as he stands up from the bench.

taehyung wraps his arms around jimins evidently smaller frame, bodies pressed together as warmth seeps throughout their touches.

"how's my baby been." taehyung whispers, leaning back slightly to cradle jimins face in his hands.

jimin leans against the touch taehyungs hands were warm and soft and made him feel safe

"i'm fine. you saw me a day ago." jimin chuckled, shy eyes meeting taehyungs intense gaze as he lets taehyun gently pull him over to the bench.

"i don't want anything happening to you." taehyung says pressing light kisses to jimins freezing hands, warming them up with his own.

jimin doesn't say anything his eyes trail down to the floor as he stares at his and taehyungs sneakers. memories of him and taehyung sitting here sharing an umbrella plays through his head, and once again he finds himself smiling

"my baby's smiling." taehyung says happily.

taehyung would do anything to see jimin smile,
he would give up everything for him to be happy. he thought jimins smile was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on.

"i'm thinking of our memories." jimin mumbles shyly, shifting his body closer to taehyungs as he leans his head on the males broad shoulder.

taehyung peers down at jimins soft locks sprawled against his shoulder, tickling parts of his exposed neck as he attempts to grab jimins waist above his coat, shifting him onto his lap.

jimin doesn't protest as he buries his head further into taehyungs neck, feeling taehyungs hands wrap around his waist securely making him feel so safe and loved.

"jimin." taehyungs deep voice says against
his ear.

jimin shivers, leaning backwards so he can look into taehyungs eyes. he sees himself amongst the emotions swimming in taehyungs eyes, and that's when jimin feels his chest deepen, an overwhelming feeling racks through his body, euphoria flows through his veins and reddens the roses displayed on his cheeks as he realised what this feeling was.

it was love.

jimin soon felt warm tears cascade down his cheeks, but they were quickly discarded when taehyungs thumbs gently wiped away the fallen tears.

"don't cry, i'm here." taehyung whispers, resting his hands against jimins cheek as he kisses the tip of his nose, understanding that this must be overwhelming for jimin.

"i-i love you." jimin mumbles quietly, his body beginning to shake as he realises without taehyung, he wouldn't be here.

he wouldn't have experienced friendship, and he would have never experienced love.

he feels his bottom lip begin to tremble, so taehyung quickly leans in and presses a light kiss to his lips, pulling back only so there lips were merely touching.

"i love you too," taehyung breathes out against his lips, pressing his forehead against jimins as he nuzzles their noses together.

"be mine."

taehyung asks, catching jimin off guard as he freezes. but it doesn't take him long to answer

"i'm yours."


yay they'refinally officially dating

how are all of my lovely readers doing

you all matter.

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