For the Dancing and the Dreaming

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Okay be prepared for a sad chapter *goes and gets the tissues* .....I WARNED YOU ALL!

Summery: When an old partner turned enemy take the life of their young son Hiccup and Astrid remember the song, 'For the Dancing and the Dreaming'


"NO!" Astrid yelled as she and Hiccup flew over Outcast Island.

Their 6 month old son had been kidnapped by Alvin the Treacherous a few hours ago. They had til sunset to get him back or it was curtains for young Finn Haddock.

They were almost at Outcast Island when the sun set and the screams of Finn filled the air before all went silent.

Hiccup flew down and got the body of his young son off of Outcast Island. 

When he neared Astrid she began to sob at the sight of their now dead son. Hiccup was also crying as he carefully wrapped Finn in an old blanket.

"Let's head home." he whispered.

They flew home in silence except for a few sobs that escaped both Hiccup and Astrid.

When they landed the villagers ran over expecting to see a living Finn but were shocked by the blanket in Hiccup's arms.

"Hiccup?" Valka asked gently as she walked over to her son and daughter-in-law.

Hiccup grimly got off of Toothless and pulled the blanket away a bit to show the face of Finn before putting the blanket back into the position it was before. Hearing the villagers gasp he went and gave the body to the man who would set up for the viking funeral which would be held the next night. 

After that he and Astrid walked home in silence to mourn the loss of their son.


The Next Night

"May the Valkyries welcome you and lead you through Odin's great battle field. May they sing your name with love and fury that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla.For a life so young was taken. An infant, a child, a son." Gobber said for them.

With that Hiccup and Astrid both fired at the ship which was holding the body of young Finn Haddock. After they fired Valka, Gobber, and the gang also fired flaming arrows towards the ship.

Hiccup looked at the ship with tears streaming down his face. 

"I'm sorry Finn. I failed you." He spoke, whispering the last part.

They stood there til the ship sunk into the ocean.

After that Hiccup and Astrid walked home, once again in silence.

When they got inside Hiccup turned to Astrid. 

"Remember what we promised when we were married?" Hiccup asked, looking his wife in the eyes.

Astrid nodded, "Through thick and thin. For good or bad."  

Hiccup looked down and sighed.

Astrid went and hugged him. That's when he started to sing softly.

(Start video now!)

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas with never a fear of drowning
and gladly ride the waves of life
If you would marry me
No scorching sun nor freezing cold
Will stop me on my journey, 
If you will promise me your heart." Hiccup started.

"And love me for eternity
My dearest one,
my darling dear
Your mighty words astound me
But I've no need for mighty deeds
When I feel your arms around me." Astrid sang softly after him.

"But I would bring you rings of gold
I'd even sing you poetry
And I would keep you from all harm
If you would stay beside me." 

"I have no use for rings of gold
  I care not for your poetry
I only want your hand to hold."

"I only want you near me."

"To love and kiss to sweetly hold
For the dancing and the dreaming
Through all life's sorrows
And delights
I'll keep your love beside me
I'll swim and sail a savage seas
With never a fear of drowning
I'd gladly ride the waves of life
And you will marry me." They finished together softly.

"We'll never forget Finn." Astrid whispered.

"No. No we won't m'lady."

"And as long as we're together we won't fear anything." Astrid added softly.

Hiccup and Astrid then kissed and thought of their young son who was now in Valhalla with his Grandfather. 


I know it's a sad chapter but every relationship has hard times.

So yeah til next time!

God's Blessings


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