Time travel (again)

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"Hey Chief!" Fishlegs Ingerman called out to Hiccup.

"Hey Fishlegs, what's up?" Hiccup asked, walking over.

"Not much. You look like you need a break."

"I'm fine."

"I still think you need to take a break. I mean you may be chief but you're not invincible," Fishlegs said, " Also Astrid really needs you these days. The baby is due soon, right?"

"No, you're right Fishlegs. You're right. Gather up the rest of the gang and meet me and Astrid at the Academy."

"Right Chief."


"We're all here now right?" Hiccup asked for the 12th time.

"Yes we're all here Babe." Astrid said leaning against Stormfly.

"So chief what are we doing?" Snotlout asked.

"I didn't quite figure that out yet..." Hiccup said, scratching his head.

Suddenly the ground beneath them collapsed and they began to yell as they fell into the black abyss. Soon the world went dark.

HICCUP woke up to a young boy shaking him. He bolted upright into a sitting position. The boy jumped back as HICCUP stood up and pulled out Inferno.

"Who are you?" HICCUP demanded, glaring at the boy, who looked scared out of his wits.

"Um...um..." the boy stuttered, but at that moment the rest of the gang woke up.

HICCUP turned to face his friends with concern. They slowly began to stand up and then they made their way over to HICCUP.

"What's going on?" ASTRID asked, eyeing the boy closely.

"I have no idea. Where are we?" HICCUP asked the boy.

"B-B-Berk." the boy stuttered.

"What's your name?" SNOTLOUT asked.

"H-H-Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. YOU'RE Hiccup?" SNOTLOUT asked.

"Um..Y-yes. Who-who are you?" Hiccup asked, looking the group over.

"Um...We are from the future." FISHLEGS told him.

The little Hiccup stared at them, his eyes were as wide as saucers. He suddenly snapped out of his trance and said,"I'll take you to my dad."

HICCUP looked down for a moment before the older gang took off after Hiccup.

When they reached Stoick's house Hiccup led them in saying,"Dad? Are you home?"

"What is it son?" Stoick asked, walking into the main area of the house.

When he got out there he froze for a minute in shock. 'What in the name of Thor?' he thought before saying aloud,"Who are they son?"

"We're from 11 years in the future Dad." HICCUP said, stepping forward.

"Hiccup?" Stoick asked looking from his son to his future son, what a difference.

"Yes dad..." before HICCUP could continue Gobber walked in.

"Hey Stoick, there are some..." Gobber's sentence trailed off as he stared at the future gang,"What in the name of Thor?"

"They are from the future, Gobber. Can you do me a favor and gather our versions and their parents?" Stoick asked.

"Sure. Be right back." Gobber said, before leaving.


"I wonder what the chief wants." Mrs. Hofferson said as everyone walked with Gobber towards Stoick's house.

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