The baby

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//All credit to the artist for the picture

It had been about 4 months since Zephyr Haddock had been born. The growing Haddock family now consisted of Valka, Hiccup, Astrid, and now Zephyr. Almost every time the family went to the great hall - the villagers could find Zephyr resting in her father's arms. If anyone, except Astrid and Valka, wanted to hold the heir of New Berk, Hiccup would eye them like a hawk eyes his prey. 

One day Hiccup was walking around doing chief stuff, with Zephyr in a baby carrier across his chest. Ruff stopped him in the middle of the village square in order to look at her "niece". 

"Astrid stuck you on baby duty huh chief?" Snotlout asked, walking over as well. 

"Nope. I offered to watch Zephyr for the day, and Astrid said I couldn't do it," Hiccup said, looking down at his dozing daughter, "I took her up on the challenge."

"You're gonna spoil that baby," Ruff said, with a slight laugh. 

Hiccup shrugged and then they all turned when they heard some yelling. It sounded like the younger children were frightened. They had been living on New Berk for about 5 years at this point, so a lot of the younger children hadn't know life other than that on New Berk. The gang looked at each other before heading over to where the children were. Down in the water were a few dozen boats, with different tribe crests on them. Hiccup grinned when he saw that it was all their old allies. 

That's when they all heard, "BROTHER IF YOU'RE THERE LET US UP!" 

Everyone began to laugh before they lowered ropes down from the ship bay. It took a while but soon the leaders from their old allies were up on the island. Dagur glared at Hiccup before saying, "If you ever disappear on us like that again, I'm gonna turn your insides into your outsides!" 

"I promise Dagur that we aren't relocating anytime soon...." Hiccup said, before Zephyr began to cry. 

The leaders looked at Hiccup, who had started to bounce Zeph and say, "Shhhhh, shhhhh, it's okay Zeph. It's okay..."

"Wait wait wait wait. Hold up. Who's the baby? And who's baby is it?" Dagur asked, looking confused.

Astrid came up behind Hiccup, and then saw the group of leaders. 

"ASTRID!" Heather yelled, running over to hug her.

"Heather!" Astrid exclaimed, hugging her friend.

"Well Dagur to answer your questions. The baby is Zephyr Haddock.....Mine and Astrid's daughter...."

Heather instantly began to look between Hiccup and Astrid and asked, "When in Thor's name did you get married?! When did you have a baby?! WHY WASN'T I INFORMED?!"

They all began to laugh before Hiccup said, "Let's all head up the the great hall."

Hiccup and Astrid led them to the new great hall and to a long table. They sat down and Zephyr looked up at Hiccup and reached her hands up towards him making a cooing noise. Hiccup smiled and let Zeph grab his fingers to chew on them.

"Awww...." Heather said, watching the father-daughter interaction.

"I swear Hiccup, you're gonna spoil her," Astrid said, laughing.

"Maybe.........Also if you guys have questions: we're willing to answer them," Hiccup said, looking up.

"When did you get married?" Heather asked.

"What was it....about 5 years ago?" Hiccup asked, looking at Astrid.

"Yeah it was about 5 years ago...."

They answered a lot of questions and finally Astrid said, "Hiccup hand the baby over, she probably needs a diaper change or a feed."

Hiccup looked up from his daughter and locked eyes with his wife, "No."

"No?" Astrid asked.

"No. It's still my turn..." he told her.

Heather and Dagur broke into large grins, trying not to laugh. Astrid was getting annoyed, "Hiccup you've been holding her for almost 8 hours!"

"Still my turn," Hiccup said, turning away from her.

"Heather would you care to help me try to get my baby back from the baby hog?" Astrid asked, turning to her best friend.

"Hiccup........." Heather began to say, before Zephyr began to cry.

"Hand the baby over now Hiccup Haddock," Astrid demanded, glaring at her husband.

Hiccup looked at Astrid before sighing, "Fine...."

He handed Zephyr over reluctantly. Quickly Hiccup got up and ran out of the great hall as Astrid yelled, "YOU ONLY HANDED HER OVER CAUSE YOU WANTED TO AVOID THE DIRTY DIAPER!"

They could all hear the Berkian chief laughing as the doors shut. From that day on - it remained the same: Hiccup would only hand Zephyr over when she had a dirty diaper....or when Astrid got a hold of her first.


Just saw Dragons THW for the 4th time earlier today.....sooooo i also started he a while ago but i had inspiration to finish it after i saw HTTYD THW again.....

I honestly could see Hiccup doing this XD Can you?

Sooo I will write the 100th chapter of this book on Friday (This girl's birthday)

See ya Friday! God's blessings on your week!

~ Maggie

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