9/11 Memorial

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Hey guys! Picture about explains everything

Yeah anyway: This chapter is dedicated to all who risked their lives on that day to save others


Hiccup wore his 9/11 firefighter shirt that day to school. Everyone else kinda forgot about the fact that it was 9/11.

"Hey Hiccup. What are you doing after school?" Astrid asked.

"Going to the park and stand there in my firefighter suit and listen to the bell ring." Hiccup stated.

"Why.........oh yeah it's 9/11." Astrid said.

Hiccup nodded. The gang joined them and Hiccup was acting very solemn.


During enrichment their home room teacher had them follow him outside.

"Today we're going to use the chalk, and make a mini memorial to those who risked their lives today, 16 years ago." Mr. Linde said. (hehehe.....he's my actual enrichment teacher)

Hiccup pulled out his phone, found the right photo, and colored it perfectly.

Hiccup pulled out his phone, found the right photo, and colored it perfectly

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Mr. Linde saw and was shocked to see Hiccup's talent.

"Hiccup. This is amazing." he stated.

Hiccup nodded in response and kept working.

After he was done he took a picture of it and sent it to his fellow firefighters saying, 'Just drew this with chalk 4 enrichment.'

'Wow. Hic. That's amazing.'

'We will never forget.'

More responses came but Hiccup just looked up at the flag that was flying in front of the school where they were coloring.

Then he wrote in cursive under the picture, 'We will never forget those who fell. 9/11/2017'


Yeah it was short but that's all I got for this time......Yeah my writer's block is killing me.... But whatever ~ I will update when I update next!

God's Blessings!


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