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Hey! Just thought of this. 

Summary: There's a tornado on the Edge.


It was a calm day at the Edge. Hiccup and Astrid were at the clubhouse with the rest of the gang.

Suddenly there was a loud roaring outside. 

"What is that?!" Snotlout exclaimed, scared, as it continued.

"I don't know! Everyone! To the passage!" Hiccup yelled. 

Everyone went into the passage and stayed in the middle of it.

"We have to wait it out." Hiccup said, looking around.

"What is it?" Astrid asked, looking at Hiccup.

"A tornado." Hiccup stated.

"I've only read about them." Fishlegs said, "But they're very dangerous."

"You have no idea." Hiccup whispered.

"What do you mean?" Ruffnut asked.

Hiccup sighed and looked down.

"There was a tornado on Berkserker Island. When I was 9. Dagur and I were in the forest. We heard a roar. Like that one. Dagur ran me to a cave. We went to the very back and hide behind a rock." Hiccup shuttered, "The next few minutes were horrible. The roar got closer. Dagur held me tight and gripped the rock with his other hand."

He took a deep breath before continuing, "When we exited the cave. Everything was fattened. When we got back to the village, buildings were either down or completely missing. Even people were missing. After that Dad and I stayed to help for weeks." 

"Oh, wow." was Astrid's only response.

After two minutes later, Hiccup said, "Let's go outside."

With that they headed outside to see the destruction. 

"Oh, wow........." Fishlegs said, looking all around.

"Let's get to work gang." Hiccup said.

So they all began to get to work cleaning and repairing the Edge.


Later that night......

Hiccup and Astrid sat on a 'couch' that was in his hut. 

"That was tiring." Astrid said, yawning.

"All that cleaning and we're still not done." Hiccup sighed.

Astrid groaned and put her head on Hiccup's shoulder.

Soon they both fell asleep. 


Heather went to go find Astrid. When she went into Hiccup's hut - she smirked triumphantly. 

Hiccup and Astrid had fallen asleep cuddled together on the 'couch'. 

Heather tried not to laugh or giggle. So she quickly left the hut to let the two lovebirds rest.


Yeah that's all I've got for now.


God's Blessings!

~ Beth

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