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I don't even know what say about this.....

Since I've been diagnosed on February 5, 2008

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Since I've been diagnosed on February 5, 2008................

I just........I have no words.......

 1) The average American adolescent should get 8-10 hours of sleep per night.
      The average adolescent with T1D gets roughly 7.4 hours of sleep per night.

2) Most people dread the once a year flu shot.
People with type 1 diabetes take an average of seven insulin injections a day when they are not using an insulin pump.

3) "Carb counting" may be most commonly considered a way people diet.
Knowing the carbohydrates in every meal they eat is essential for people with T1D to adjust their insulin accordingly.

4) The sight of blood often makes people feel queasy and lightheaded.
People with type 1 diabetes have to prick their finger several times a day to draw blood to check their sugar levels.

I have no words.........

Except next month is national Diabetes month

God's blessings

~ The sadly diabetic Maggie 

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