Modern Day....

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Yeah just a modern HTTYD story............ Just for Fandom day!!! : ) 

Summary: The descendants of the gang all  go to the same High School and it's fandom day for Homecoming week. What will happen then?

Yeah I got nothing else XD Enjoy!!


Tessa Haddock walked into the high school, dressed as Hiccup, her whatever number great- grandfather. She looked almost exactly like him, as weird as that was. She went to her locker and grabbed her stuff before heading to her first hour.

When she got there she saw her friend, Amanda Hofferson, who she was somehow related to, dressed up as Astrid. She was a bit shocked but then she saw the twins, Robert and Shelly Thorston dressed up as Ruff and Tuff, Fredric Ingerman dressed up as a skinnier Fishlegs, and Scott Jourgenson as Snotlout.  

"Whoa. This is a pit creepy." Shelly said, looking at everyone's costumes.

"Who did you dress up as?" Scott asked, curious.

"My whatever number great grandfather - Hiccup Haddock the 3rd." Tessa said.

"My great aunt Astrid. Who married Hiccup Haddock the 3rd." Amanda said.

"Our great aunt and grandfather - Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston."

"My great grandfather - Snotlout Jourgenson."

"My great grandfather - Fishlegs Ingerman."

"So our ancestors were all friends and leaders?" Tessa asked, "And what we believe happened to them - made into movies?" 

"Yup. Apparently." Mandy said.

"Oh cool!" Scott said, "I'm being Snotlout!"





"I guess I'm Hiccup then." Tessa said.

For the rest of that day they were in the rolls of their ancestors. And then they were really great friends.


I have no clue, just a not-so-great idea I got for fandom day.

Have a great day/night!

God's blessings!

~ Beth

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