............(i don't know what to call it)...........

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so this is from my personal selection of Story Notebooks.......aka a bunch of notebooks that are filled with fanfiction and other fiction.

This one is from Story notebook # 21 (which I wrote/finished in a week last April)

i hope you all enjoy it!!! : D

okay........ one more note - this is based off of a fanfic I was reading at that time on fanfiction.com so all credit to the author, I just used the plot.......a bit


One day Hiccup was out exploring a new island that was only about a mile or so from Berk. 

"Boat wreck," Hiccup said out loud, "Let's check it out Bud."

When Hiccup and Toothless landed Hiccup got off. When he was looking over the wreckage, he found a little girl, under a few boards.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Hiccup asked, shaking the little girl.

The girl shot up, wide awake, and cried, "Mama! Papa!"

"Are you okay?" Hiccup asked again.

"I...........I don't know." The girl said, her voiced lisping a bit due to a few lost teeth.

"What's your name?" Hiccup asked, picking the girl up.

"Rey." (Not the star wars character) 

"That's a nice name. My name will make you laugh." 

"What is it?"

"It's funny." 

"I won't laugh." Rey promised.

"My name's Hiccup." 

Rey burst out into a huge smile, but didn't laugh just as she had promised.

"This is my dragon - Toothless." Hiccup told her, as Toothless walked over.

"But dwagons have teeth." Rey said with a giggle.

"Sometimes they don't. See?" 

Toothless then flashed a gummy smile towards Rey. Rey then reached out her hand to touch Toothless, but pulled back a moment later.

"You can touch him. Here." Hiccup said, placing her hand on Toothless' snout.

"Rey, where are your parents?"

Rey looked around before saying, "Heaven."

"How old are you?" Hiccup asked.

Rey thought before putting up 6 fingers.

"Would you like to stay with me til we find someone to take care of you?" Hiccup asked.

"Yes, please." 

As Hiccup mounted Toothless, he realized that Rey's legs were gone from below her knees. 



"What happened to your legs?"

"Mama said I became sick and my legs became infected." 

"Oh. I understand."

Then Hiccup, Rey, and Toothless flew to Berk. When he got there he was met by Astrid and Stormfly.

"Astrid, this is Rey. Rey this is Astrid and her dragon Stormfly." 

"Hello." Rey said, shyly.

"Hi Rey." Astrid said, before turning to Hiccup, "Where did you....." 

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