Those sick days

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It's going to be short considering I'm writing this when I have the flu.........

Hiccup woke up one morning, sweating. He grabbed a clothe and wiped the sweat off, before drifting off to sleep. But sleep didn't come as it resulted in him having nightmares of Stoick's death. He soon decided to go get a glass of water. 

Hiccup tried, as softly as he could to get to the kitchen. But when he got a glass, he dropped it. It hit the  floor with a loud clang, awaking Valka. 

"Hiccup?" Valka asked, walking silently into the kitchen.

Hiccup looked up, startled, and asked in a raspy voice, "Mom? What are you doing awake?"

"Are you okay Hiccup?" Valka asked, walking over.

"Yeah. I'm......" Hiccup stopped to cough.

Valka went and placed a hand on his forehead, "You've got a fever son. Let's get you back to bed."

"I'm fine, I just worked to hard today." Hiccup protested.

"No, back to bed with you. I'll bring you some water." Valka said, leading him up the stairs, and then went back to get some water for him.

"How long have you been feeling sick?" Valka asked.

"Meh......I don't know." Hiccup mumbled.

"You need to rest." Valka said.

"Don't leave...Please don't leave." Hiccup muttered.

Valka went silent for a minute, "I won't leave." 

"Thanks." Hiccup mumbled drowsily, before falling asleep.

Valka sat next to him, and brushed his hair out of his face. He mumbled in his sleep, before moving closer to her. Valka smiled slightly at him. Soon she got up and brought the glass downstairs, before going back upstairs and she then fell asleep on a chair next to Hiccup's bed.

This is what she had missed all the years she was gone.


Yeah, that's all I got for now.......brain's not working due to the fact I have a slight fever and the flu.......... *sarcastic* Yey

God's blessings!

~ Maggie

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