I need you

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Based on 'Darkest Night' (Episode 10 Season 6)


"Hiccup. Terror mail from Berk......It's not good." Fishlegs said, sticking his head into Hiccup's hut.

"What?" Hiccup asked, panicking.

"Hiccup.......It's about Stoick." Fishlegs added gravely.

"WHAT?!" Hiccup yelled, "RIDERS! TO BERK!" 

With that they were off to Berk.


When they arrived at Berk, Hiccup ran to his hut. He opened the door to find Gothi and Gobber inside.

Hiccup walked forward, "Dad?" 

"Gothi doesn't have high hopes Hiccup." Gobber said, somberly. 

"No! He's going to pull through. He has too." Hiccup said, looking down with tears in his eyes.

"I think it might be time you put yourself in a place where you can make even tougher decisions." Gobber said, instantly regretting that.

"We can't give up on him!" Hiccup yelled, "I WON'T give up on him!"

"Hiccup......" Gobber started to say.

"Don't say anything else Gobber. Please. Not now." Hiccup said, wiping his eyes.

"We'll let you be alone for now." 

With that Gobber and Gothi left the Haddock house. Hiccup then looked at Stoick. Tears now were flowing down his face as he sat down on the side of Stoick's bed.

"Dad........don't.....don't leave. Please. You have to pull through. You have too.....for Berk," Hiccup started to sob, "I need you Dad. I need you." 

Hiccup put his head down on Stoick's chest and sobbed. Eventually Hiccup sat up and began to tend to Stoick. 

"Dad.....you have to pull through...." Hiccup said again, "I need you."

Though he didn't realize it Stoick got a slight smile on his face, he had heard everything that Hiccup had said. Eventually he would tell his son, how much he loved him. 

"I need you." Hiccup whispered again, before he fell asleep.


Tah Der! Another shot story!

Yeah my inspiration is back after this season (Which by the way I'm pretty sure is the best one to the date)!

So yeah.......

I'm going to update......maybe.......sometime this week!

God's blessings!

~ Maggie

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