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Chief Hiccup Haddock the 3rd woke up to rain pounding the roof. Sighing he sat up to see Astrid sleeping there with an arm around both of their kids; Nuffink, who was 4, and Zephyr who was 7. Smiling he got up, trying not to wake his family.

He did so unsuccessfully. As he strapped his peg leg on, he felt the bed rock a bit before feeling two small arms wrap around his neck. Turning he saw Nuffink hanging on to him.

"Morning bud," Hiccup whispered, finishing strapping on his leg.

"Morning daddy," Nuffink said with a yawn.

"It's really early for you to be up. Why don't you go back to bed?" Hiccup said, gently moving Nuffink into his lap.

He shook his head no and then said, "I wanna help you daddy...."

"What do you wanna help with Nuff?" Hiccup asked, poking Nuff's belly.

Nuff giggled before saying, "With chiefing."

Hiccup smiled then said, "Let's go get you dressed bud, then we can get going."

"Okay daddy."

They went to Nuff's room and Hiccup helped his son get dressed before they left to get breakfast at the great hall. Nuff hung on Hiccup's back as Hiccup got them food from the cooks before they went and sat down. There were hardly any vikings in the great hall because most of New Berk was still sleeping.


"Yes Nuff?" Hiccup asked, swallowing a spoonful of oatmeal.

"Can you tell me about the dragons again?"

Hiccup smiled sadly, before saying, "I will later Nuff....For now, let's finish eating then we can go see uncle Gobber and Grandma Val. How about that?"

Nuff broke out into a grin before finishing his food. After Hiccup put their dishes away, they walked out of the great hall and headed to the forge.

By now the rest of the village was beginning to wake up and many saw their chief walking with his young son hanging on his back. Hiccup was being his old dorky self as he made vrooming noises and walked in circles to make Nuffink laugh. 

When they reached the forge Gobber was just opening up.

"Hey Gobber!" Hiccup called, looking at his mentor.

Gobber looked over and laughed. Nuffink had two handfuls of Hiccup's hair as he lead his dad to wherever he wanted to go. Hiccup gave him a mock glare and said, "There will be consequences."

Gobber shook his head and said, "Sword. Sharpen. Now."

At that he tossed a dull sword over to the chief. They both ended up laughing at the memory from the night Hiccup shot down Toothless. Hiccup walked into the forge with Nuffink - who then reached out for Gobber to take him as Hiccup sharpened the sword.

"Hi Uncle Gobber," Niffink said, smiling at the double amputee.

"Hi young man. What trouble are you going to get into today?" Gobber asked, with a wide smile.

"Oh don't start that conversation again Gobber," Hiccup groaned, "Didn't you do that enough with me?"

Gobber let out a loud laugh, "Can't do it enough. So are ya going to go look for trolls with your dad?"

"Again with the trolls? I did it one time!" Hiccup exclaimed, grabbing another dull weapon.

"Oh it was more than that lad."

"Daddy? What did you do when you were my age?" Nuff suddenly asked.

"I tried not to get eaten by dragons, helped Gobber, and hung around my dad," Hiccup told him.

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