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1997 Wales, England.

I had just finished cooking, the muggle way, when I heard three purposeful knocks on the front door. I sighed tiredly, wiping my hands on the rag that was on the kitchen counter, before I quickly made my way to open the front door. A wave of dread washed over me as I stepped before the door, letting out a sigh before I twisted the brass handle, pulling the door towards me. The moment I saw the familiar face standing on the other side of the door, I could feel the dread on the pit of my stomach as I saw the last person I wanted to see standing there in the doorway,  a signature smirk etched on his face.

"Hello Anna. Or is it Sophia now?" He asked, as he stepped into the house slowly. "I must say it was pretty clever of you to use my muggle father's last name... Clever. Clever indeed. " he continued.

"Sophia Riddle does have an intriguing ring to it though. I must admit that." He said, looking at me with a smirk.

I felt my heart begin to race as he stepped closer to me, the blood in my body beginning to pump faster through my veins, almost singing at the closeness of his body. My eyes widen as big as an owl's, as I heard the bus pull up to the house, dropping off Mia Adley Marie and Tom Arlo. Their footsteps could be heard running up the stone path that lead to the house.

"T-Tom? Wah- What are you doing here? H-how'd you find me?" I asked, backing up further into the house as he stepped closer to me.

"The question isn't how I found you...Anna, how...why did you...Hm... Did you honestly think that I wasn't going to look for you, Anna? Why did you leave me? How could you leave me? Why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant with my child?" He asked, his voice wavering at the end.

"Answer me!" He demanded, his voice sharp and his green eyes glowing serpent-like. 

Forcing me to take a step back, and take in his features, he still had the same handsome face as he did when we met. The only difference was that all his features were sharpened, cheeks were a bit more hollowed out than before. Broader features, somehow.

"I-I told you to make a choice between us or your power hungry revenge against the Riddles and the rest of your biological family. You made it. So, why look for me? What could you possibly want now?" I asked, as both of the kids came rushing into the house looking for me.

"Mummy? Mummy, you won't believe what happened today! Adley and I saw something so cool, a snake was ahh-" Arlo called, freezing in the doorway.

His small body stiff as he tried to hide his sister behind him.

"A-Arlo, honey, t-take your sister and go to your room. Now." I ordered calmly, my sight never leaving Tom's face.

I saw him turn to look behind him to where Arlo stood, Adley slowly peeking from behind Arlo's  shoulders at Tom. I listened quietly as they briskly made their way up the staircase, a door slamming a moment later, and a lock clicking the next. Not that that would stop Tom once he got going.

"Annie, I left everything that I had planned, everything that I ever knew for you. What made you think that I chose otherwise? Was it not enough to be in love with you? What could possibly make you doubt that?" He asked exasperated, turning to look back at me after the kids disappeared up the stairs.

"For- for the safety of the person...I'd rather not answer that question..." I sighed, not looking at him. I kept my eyes on the pattern sewn into the rug, seeming more interested on tracing the patterns beneath my feet. 

I looked up at him, and noticed four things begin to happen.

One, his eyes began to get that serpentine bright yellowish glow again.

Two, his fist clenched tightly on his lap, so tightly that the skin on his knuckles began to turn white. I could see his veins begin to stick out on the back of his hand.

Three, his jaw clenched and unclenched as he began to grind his teeth together hard.

Four, I knew someone was about to be hurt or die. I honestly hoped it wasn't me or any of my children.

"Mhm." He said, looking back into my eyes; probably trying to see what I was keeping  from him.

I felt my heart pick up speed once more and this time I hope I survived as I felt myself being pulled into a vision.

With my eyes rolling into the back of my head, I felt my body as it began to fall to the ground.

"Anna?!" I heard Tom say before I was pulled into the vision, everything around me disappearing as the blackness swallowed  everything around me.

Iniquity Approaches Book 2 of Iniquity Series~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now