Bonus Chapter

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Third Person PoV:

December 23, 1979

Somewhere deep in the woods of an unknown location a woman with long black hair, with sapphire blue, gold, bronze and crimson red flecks and streaks paced in large home.

Her silvery blue eyes gleaming in from the fire in the chimney.

She would stop every now and then but would continue to pace from sunrise to sunset.

Her husband watched her pace every day since they had gotten there. 

Every single day until he reached his breaking point.

It had been almost sixteen years since they had begun living there, and he believed he'd reached his breaking point.

"Alright, Lucy, out with it. What have you done?" He asked her, almost afraid to hear the answer himself.

The handsome, blonde man with blue green eyes waited for his wife to give him some sort of explanation, but all he received was silence.

She looked at him giving him a look.

"Lucy, please tell me you didn't do anything imprudent." He groaned.

Again, all he received was silence.

His anger was beginning to rise within him, when he realized she could have done something that had exposed them, endangering them along with Bria, and dooming their children.

"WHAT have you done?" He repeated, losing his patience with the woman who drove him crazy, in some ways more than others.

"Nothing. I've done nothing wrong! I'm simply tired of hiding from the world. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to see my daughter and not be able to tell her, that we, her parents are alive? That we both live and well?" She asked, her silver blue eyes shinning with unshed tears.

"She's my daughter too, Lucy!" He bellowed, watching as she flinched back at the sound of his steely voice, causing him to flinch back too."She is my daughter too. Dumbledore and Minerva promised that they'd keep her safe, that they'd look after her. That's all they've done since we went under this charm. You have to trust that they'll do it." He said, turning to look at the dancing flames.

Down the hall, footsteps could be heard approaching towards the room rather quickly they were currently arguing in.

With a swift knock, the raven-haired woman stepped into the room.

"What is going on in here? What is it with all the yelling? You two, do realized that we can hear your shouting from outside in the garden, don't you?" She asked, staring at both the tall broad, blonde man and the dainty woman with multicolored hair.

"Our apologies, Bria. We--we didn't realize we were being so loud. We didn't mean to shout." He said, apologetically.

"Yes, well, seeing as the world heard your argument and what it was pertaining to, I myself would like to have an input." She said, sitting down next to the woman.

She watched as both of them nodded in response as she sat down, either one going to sit down in either side of the small, yet spacious room.

"Seeing as you both saved me before I died in childbirth, against my better judgement, I might add. I believe that it's only fair to get to express my beliefs on this particular subject. Both of our children are being hunted down like animals, thanks to this psychotic murderer. The prophecy said that both our children are crucial to the defeat of this asinine fool. How will us being there to help them possibly mess anything up. If anything, our children need us as guidance, not Dumbledore or Minerva." She said, as she stood up, and made her way towards the center of the room, pacing back and forth involuntarily.

"Bria, you can't really expect me to know that you were dying and sit here doing nothing while you do, do you? We all have our reasons, or motives, but I can honestly tell you that I did it out of devotion. Devotion to our families, our children and to the world we live in- the wizarding world. The memory manipulation and false memory charm can easily be reversed. We've both missed a great deal of our children's lives but it's for the greater good. For us, them and the wizarding community." Lucy said.

Her hair seemed have multiple colors embedded into her long raven locks.

The colors went from flicks to streaks of deep sapphire blue, gold, bronze and crimson red. Her eyes grew into a solid steely gray, the gray almost swallowing the blue, as she began to pace too.

Lucy, seized mid step as her body stiffened, and her eyes gazing over for a few seconds before she met Bria and her husband's anxious glazes.

Her already tense shoulders, if possible tensed even more before she answered.

"They're here." She said, in an almost whisper.

"What? Who? Certainly, certainly you can't—you don't mean..." John argued.

"That's exactly who I mean, John. Our grandchildren have arrived. It's time we come out of hiding. For better or for worse, whether its wrong or right." Lucy said, giving him the 'do not you dare argue with me' look.

"But that—that means..." Bria said, her forest green eyes widening.

"Yes, Bria, it means that our Sophia and your Tom have just made the prophecy become solidified. They've just reunited the House of Gryffindor with the House of Slytherin once more. Now, they've have to destroy Kuznetsova's heir or risk being destroyed by his hands." Lucy said, her silver blue eyes shining once more with unshed tears.

"I'll go pack our things!" Bria said, rushing out of the room.

Loud echoing footsteps could be heard all over the house as she ran up the stairs and slammed the door of her room on the third floor.

"Get Leilah and Lilith, too!" John yelled after her disappearing figure.

"How soon do we leave, Lucy?" He asked Lucy, anxiously.

"Before nightfall." She replied as she disappeared from the room to gather their things as well.

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