Ch. 47

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I woke up sometime after the entire fainting episode, laying in a cot in the hospital wing, with utter chaos around me.

The room as practically empty. Excluding the people who were in the room, however, crammed into the little space that was left. Next to the partition that separated the cot I was splayed on.

Standing there were Professor Dumbledore along with Professor McGonagall pacing alongside the cot, Seamus and Grisha, the Black sisters, and Tom.

I watched them, amused, for a second before I cleared my throat to get their attention.

The moment they heard me clear my throat, I saw their necks snap in my direction simultaneously. I let out a little laugh as all of them cram tighter into the small space around me.

"How wonderful, I have a welcoming party waiting for me to snap out of my unconscious state." I say, grimacing as I feel a dull ache on the top left side of my head.

"...and she has jokes everybody. She is alright." Seamus says, scanning me from head to toe.

"How long have I been out, Sea?" I asked, cautiously, not sure if I want the answer; trying to avoid rolling my eyes at his antics.

"Hmm... Let's see... you left to see Professor Dippet, just after lunch, the entire meeting with all the staff lasted about an hour and forty-five minutes. You collapsed five minutes after it ended, after the confrontation with the head of the minister of magic." He said looking around the room before continuing, "Which you'll both be glad to know you are receiving an award for special services to the school, for that... It is just about thirty minutes before dinner time, so I'd say you were out for about four hours." Seamus said, as Grisha walked by, smacking him behind his head with a loud thwack.

"Merlin's beard, what was that for now, Gri?" He complained.

"Leave her alone, Sea, can't you see she needs to rest?" She snapped.

"Ok, stop arguing. Why is everybody on edge?" I asked, staring down all of their faces before my eyes landed the familiar forest green eyes that I've become so familiar with.

'There's been another murder. This time it was Parkinson's uncle Stephen Parkinson, he worked in the department of missing persons in the ministry of magic.' Tom said, speaking through our link, without looking away.

'How is that possible? Do you know where it happened?' I asked him, pulling myself up into a fully sitting position on the lumpy cot.

'Can you take a wild guess...' He replied.

I stated at him, in comprehension before sighing.

He shrugged in response, turning to look towards Professor Dumbledore.

"How long do you think we have Professor?" He asked him calmly.

"Tom, I can only hypothesize. Based off of the information that Miss, Riel revealed to us earlier today. We don't have much to go on except for that. All we know is when he is coming, we don't know where or how he gets here." Professor Dumbledore replied.

"He apparates, here along with his followers, just outside of Hogsmeade, in a clearing just passing the train station." I informed them, watching the scene I had seen earlier play before me once more.

"How long do we have before the end of the school year, sir?" Tom asked, looking towards him again but speaking through the link once more.

'As time passes, the danger is getting greater.' I thought, my nose twitching on its own accord.

'Would it be safe to say that we still need to stay away from either orphanage?' He thought, the corners of his lips pulling up in amusement.

I moved my head up and down a fraction in response, keeping my eyes on the pacing professor.

The tension in the room could be cut with knife, the professor hadn't stopped pacing the length of the room since I had spoken.

"With what was just revealed I feel that Headmaster Dippet may send everybody home this weekend." He said, continuing his pacing before he stopped on the foot of the bed.

"Well seeing as we are all in danger, me being the most in danger, I will not be returning to the orphanage back in London. There's too many lives at risk, I'd rather not add muggle children to the list." I stated, dropping my feet over the side of the bed.

Bellatrix and her sisters, who had witnessed everything that was happening before them, finally chose to make themselves known.

"Sophie, Andi has something to tell you." She said, pushing Andromeda forward roughly, a scowl on her face.

She threw a look at her before looking back at me, "I have reason to believe that someone, most likely a student here, has been helping that bloke out." She said.

I nodded, waiting for her to explain to me what she knew.

She sighed as if deciding whether or not to talk.

"Lacy, she's a Ravenclaw, I believe in your year." She said looking at me, before speaking. "I suspected it was her after the Christmas party, but my suspicions were confirmed one day after running into her at the Hog's Head. She was there with a cloaked and hooded masked figure." She finished.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Tom asked, slowly, his jaw flexing and hands balled into fists.

I could almost feel the anger begin to boil and run through my veins. I didn't have to listen or hear Tom to know he was thinking the same thing.

'Gather everyone at our usual meeting spot, there's going to be some vital information given.' I thought towards him, slowly raising my hand to my neck.

"Interesting. Bella, why don't we speak to Lacy after dinner. Maybe she can tell us what she knows." I said, as I stood up from the cot and began making my way towards the door, everyone trailing behind me.

"Miss. Riel, I really don't think you should be getting up so soon." Professor McGonagall said, crossing her arms over her chest, worry etched on her face.

"Professor, I feel a lot better, honest, I am actually feeling rather hungry now. I promise that if I feel anything I'll let my friends drag me back here again." I promised, half smiling, my anger still sizzling under the surface.

She conceded, nodding at me before both professors stepped aside, allowing all of the group make its way towards the Great Hall.

When I sat down I felt as all of our group of friends sat around us, tension radiating off of them.

Dinner went by rather quickly, I only managed to eat some steamed veggies, some grilled chicken breast, and mashed potatoes before I stood up, and made my way towards the common room.

"Sophie, what are you going to do?" Cissy asked me, nervously watching as I paced the length of the room.

I ignored her and kept pacing, trying to uncover something that I felt that I had been missing.

I felt as if I was about to unlock what was missing.

"Nothing yet, first I have to decide whether or not to believe if there truly is a mole here, within the castle. This could get even more dangerous than I thought." I said finally answering after a few moments, looking towards the opened window.

"She's finally lost it, man." I heard Dolohov muttered towards Yaxley.

Without even acknowledging them I lifted my hand flicked my wrist in their direction, listening as their bodies hit the ground in a thump, and a few people let out gasps.

Tom shook his head at me amused as he waved his wand, relieving the fools of my hex.

"It'll be curfew in a couple of minutes. Gather everyone that needs to be there, and get going, the lot of you." I ordered.

Tom smirked at me, as we watched the others disappear into the darkness of the night.

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