Ch. 64 The Confrontation

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I woke up the next morning, and hopped out of bed, before heading to shower in a haste. Using a quick-dry spell before I walked out and went to pull on my clothes.

I slipped on my black, cotton, floor-length skirt, and a dark midnight blue, loose, off the shoulders blouse.

I slipped on my chunky healed boots, and sleeveless cloak before grabbing my wand and slowly making my way down and out of the common room.

I noticed quickly that everyone felt the tension in the air this morning when I walked into the Great Hall.

We all had a small snack before heading out to gather in the Entrance Courtyard. All the staff and students who were left in the school were there.

I also noticed that no words were spoken, as I handed out the death prevention potion to everyone.

Once we had all taken the potion, we began our decent into Hogsmeade.

Nothing could be heard but our footsteps as we slowly walked into the deserted streets of Hogsmeade.

The air that whooshed by only seemed to combine with already tense atmosphere, and made the air worse as we walked towards the outskirts of town.

I could feel everyone's tension, practically taste it in the air along with their edginess as moments began slither away slowly, and the time that Nikolai would show up ticked closer.

When we finally did reach the outskirts of the small community, the tense air grew still.

I was trying to keep my own anxieties and anticipation steady as I watched the already dreary sky darkened further.

Suddenly black streams of smoke began appearing within the already darkened sky, flying down, and landing on the other side of the clearing.

An eerie silence filled the clearing.

The only thing that could be heard was the sound of our breathing, no one dared move as Nikolai and his followers calmly began appearing before us, sneers on etched most of their faces.

"I see little Sophia decided to finally come out and play." He sneered, making his side cackle.

"Don't speak to her, you filthy excuse for a wizard, waste of magical blood." Tom snarled, a growl almost forming in his chest.

I put a calming hand on his arm. His straining muscles relaxing under my hand.

'Remember to stay calm. I want answers, he's the only one who can give them to me.' I thought as I slipped my hand into his.

'But he's a murderer, he helped murder your parents, Annie. He doesn't even deserve to be in your presence. You should've listened to me and stayed back in the school, I can handle this.' He thought back.

Tom, we both know that your anger always gets the best of you. Calm down. Listen and see reason.' I urged, willing him to calm down, if only just for a second.

"Tell me what you know." I spoke, calmly.

I could tell Dumbledore was growing tired of their presence, his posture seemed to stiffen more and more by the minute.

"What's there to say? Do you want to know how I witnessed my father being murdered by your father or how I killed them both after, in revenge?" He asked, smiling menacingly at me.

"You killed- my- my parents?" I asked, feigning shock.

We both knew he was lying.

We could tell by the way his face contorted as he spoke and the way his fists clenched and unclenched.

"Well, of course, who else do you think would've done it?" He retorted.

I gasped. Once again feigning surprise once more. My hold in Tom's hand tightening briefly. Feeling as my own anger began to rise.

'He's lying, he's trying to get a reaction from you. Calm down. He'll pay, love, trust me, even if it has to be me, the person who is making him pay, he will pay for every tear you've cried, and all the hurt you've been through.' Tom thought fiercely.

Suddenly as if some sort of dam broke.

Spells began shooting from either side, where they started from who knew, but now all hell was breaking lose.

I watched as a body dropped on our side convulsing, another dropped a few feet away. I wasn't about to allow more blood to be spilled over someone's grotesque  ideals of how the world should be functioning.

I couldn't and wasn't going to allow anyone die, at least not in vain. I would stop him.

Even if it was the last thing I had to do.

After realizing that our attempt of keeping peace was futile, we began using every spell we knew.

"Do it, Tom." I said, fiercely.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked hesitantly, knowing what this spell could end everyone if not properly used.

"Do. It. NOW!" I yelled, gathering all the energy I could before I lifted my hand, my fingers beginning to twitch as they moved upward.

Before we could even utter a word, I watched a Nikolai threw an unknown spell, hitting Tom square in the chest.

I gasped as he dropped to the floor, unconscious.

"No!" I screeched, as I closed my eyes.

"Pity it had to end like this." Nikolai sneered at me, lifting his wand once more.

"Dormiens Mortem." I whispered flicking my wrist., I watched as a purple light hit Nikolai before he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke along with everyone, considered his follower.

Leaving behind their wounded and dead.

"Morse Ne Cantatio." I began chanting under my breath as my hands hovered over Tom's chest, watching as a small white light appeared within the palms of my hands, quickly seeping into Tom's chest.

I heard as he let out a gasp, his eyes popping open, as he looked around shocked.

I began to feel as if the connection that we had prior to this become solidified. No longer a flimsy thread tied together but something much more stronger, welded together permanently. Unbreakable.

A second later, he sat up looking around, shocked.

"Is everything alright, Anna?" Rosier asked.

"He's alright, I managed to save him from the spell that hit him in the chest." I muttered, unsteadily getting to my feet.

There were bodies on the ground everywhere but nothing with too much damage.

Many people were wounded but not fatally.

Luckily, I could count how many people were injured with my fingers.

I sighed, feeling as if something had been lifted from my shoulders.

Suddenly, it was as if I the energy had been completely drained from my body, I felt something hot begin to pour from my nose slowly as it did.

My eye sight began to cloud with black specks, and I felt my body begin to fall towards the damp ground.

"Anna? Anna!" I heard Tom call before everything around me went completely still and dark.

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