Ch. 65 The Departure

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When I came to, I was laying on a small bed within the busy hospital wing.

The only thing I remember was the confrontation that Nikolai and the Alliance had.

All I remember is telling Tom to do the spell that had been practicing together before he was hit square in the chest by one of Nikolai's spells.

Quickly throwing the first spell that came to my mind at Nikolai before I collapsed on my knees and began chanting the death prevention spell in hopes of saving Tom.

When I stood up I quickly took in how many people were hurt.

Something felt off, however, my head began hurt as if there were annoying little pixies trying to pound their way out of the top of my skull, and everything went black again.

After I woke up once more, I noticed that there were other people lying in the beds around me in the hospital wing.

Madam Noelle and her apprentice, Poppy Pomfrey, were practically running around trying to tend all the wounded staff and students.

Surprisingly, there wasn't that many that were wounded, of many there were only about ten to fifteen, and the wounds were superficial l, so they'd be able to heal them quickly.

"Anna." Bellatrix sighed in relief, from the chair next to the bed I was laying on.

"W-where's Tom?" I asked, guardedly.

"He's helping Dumbledore and Professor Dippet clean up the mess that was left in the forest next to Hogsmeade. He was the one who brought you all the way up here." She said.

"Really? How'd he do that?" I asked, surprised.

"When he saw you collapse to the ground, he looked panicked. He wouldn't let anyone near you. So, he pulled you into his arms and took off, in a dead sprint. He didn't stop 'til got here to the infirmary. " she explained.

As she spoke I noticed how puffy and red her eyes were.

"Who was hurt?" I asked, nervously changing the subject.

"Just a couple of people. Andi's husband has a broken arm, but other than that, everyone is alright, just a few cuts and scrapes, thanks to your training." She said, in the same tone.

'Are you planning on telling him?' She asked me, once more for the hundredth time this week.

I shook my head slowly, willing the tears that formed to disperse.

"I-I can't." I said, frowning.

"Why not? This is important. Anna, you promised me you'd think about it." She whispered harshly, her lip trembling.

"Are Bastan and you going to be alright?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, he is distraught by the death of his brother, but there was nothing we could do for him by the time we found him. It was simply too late. W-when we reached him, he was already gone." She explained, as her eyes grew redder, and she tried fruitlessly to blink away unshed tears.

A pained expression crossed her features. Her eyes slamming shut a moment later as tears began to pool and fall down her cheeks. Her lips trembled with unspoken yet pained and loss filling in.

"I am so sorry for the loss, he will truly be missed." I said, swallowing around the knot in my throat.

Trying to change the subject, quickly racking my brain.

Suddenly as if the clock had stuck, I knew the time had come.

"This is it. I need you to meet me in the Room of Requirements, bring those who know of this." I said, sliding off the bed onto my feet.

Though as I began making my way towards the exit I was stopped by Madam Noelle and her new apprentice.

"Annamarie, you must be resting." Madam Noelle chastised trying to get me to lay back down onto the lumpy cot.

"I can assure I am fine. Better than fine, actually." I replied, smiling lightly at her.

"Very well," She said, going to give a healing potion to Jenny Smith, who had a bandaged wrapped around her midriff.

I slowly made my way towards the common room, I had been the one with the idea to have us stand in the clearing to meet Nikolai and his followers, avoid as much damage to the castle as possible.

The only part seriously damaged on the castle grounds was the quidditch field. It had been burned to the ground.

I slowly made my way up to my room. Before slipping off my mind covered clothes, and making my way towards the bathroom to take a nice long shower.

When I got out I cast the quick drying spell, and went to put on the first thing I pulled out of my trunk.

Which happened to be a dark blue, cotton, flower-covered, shoulder-less, long-sleeved dress. Before shoving on black knee length boots.

I wrapped myself in my midnight blue travel cloak, putting all of my belongings, including my wand into my bag.

The only thing left in the room was the lit hearth.

I felt my lower lip begin to tremble as I walked back out of the Slytherin Dungeon for the last time.

When I finally reached the Room of Requirements. Which happened to be located on the seventh floor, my heart began to ache.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, sighing.

I paced three times before the stone wall before the door appeared.

I slowly walked through the door and into the room that held only a desk a piece of parchment paper, an ink bottle, and a quilt pen in the middle of the room.

I slowly went to sit down, before pulling a piece of parchment paper towards me, before I grabbed the pen, and wrote the location where I knew my parents' house was located.

15 East Monmouthshire, South Wales, England.

I slowly put the charm on the paper, and waited for Bellatrix to enter with Narcissa, Evangeline, Lily, James, Bastan, Grisha, and Snape.

They all slowly entered the room, hesitantly.

"Remember what happens after this. Bellatrix, I need you to make sure none of this gets out to anyone, aside from the people in this room. Nothing is to be said or known. Not- Not until I am ready." I said, as I handed them the parchment paper.

"Lily, James, I am truly sorry that I won't be able to attend your wedding. Best of wish. Write to me. The lot of you." I said as I hastily walked out of the room and out of the castle, slowly making my way down the steep hill once more, into the Forbidden Forest and towards the Black Lake one last time.

Once I got there I stared for a second towards the glimmering lake before I closed my eyes in concentration, and apparated.

Not realizing just a few feet away, just passing the tree line, a figure was silently watching my departure.

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