Ch.5 New Found Family

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"Well, this turned into a twaddle situation. Now, what am I supposed to do? I am going to miss class for two days! I hate this! What in the bloody hell is going on with me?" I grumbled to myself, looking down at my hands before sighing and throwing myself back onto the bed in exasperation.

I felt my eyes begin to burn again, as the salty, bittersweet tears began running down my face.

I wanted to take all of the things I did wrong today, and the past week and do the opposite if what I did today.

Change everything, clenching my fists around a handful of sheets on the bed. Concentrating and willing the feeling of rejection I felt earlier and hurt to go away.

"Don't." A deep voice said, chastisingly.

I blinked astound, looking for the direction the voice had come in. It happened to be by the entrance, there stood Grisha and Seamus, her bloody older brother. He was in the same year as Andromeda Black, Bella and Narcissa's older sister.

"Annie. This is my brother Seamus, he is a dreamer. I am sure you've met before...Whereas I am a seer." She explained, as they made their way towards me.

I nodded, beginning to tremble.

"Not to be rude to you, Grish, Seamus but why are you two here?" I asked, trying to control the trembling in my body.

"Calm down. We're here to keep you company." Seamus muttered dryly, groaning as Grisha elbowed him hard in the ribs, causing him to wince.

"Actually, we're both here because I saw you trying to do something rather idiotic." Seamus said, looking at me unwaveringly, as I blushed.

I shook my head to clear it, before I cleared my throat trying to change the subject, breathing in deeply before I spoke, keeping my eyes on my lap.

"Have you guys been seeing and dreaming the things I have? Or am I beginning to go insane?" I asked, feeling confused before I turned to look at them.

"Not one future can be seen unless it wants to be seen, Anna. Nor can two people dream the same dream unless it need be." Seamus explained.

"Look, Sophia, I have seen weird things this past week... as I am sure Sea here has been dreaming the same things you have. Or at least similar things..." Grisha said, "I know you are key to keeping the future stable, meaning that if you change something we're all done for. Tom will go deeper into the Dark Arts, I will end up dead at his hands, and Seam will disappear. I don't know where but he disappears." Grisha finished, silencing me with a wave of her hand.

"Sophie, do you really want all of those people who we all care about to die? We can prevent all of this bloodshed, you can. I know you are hurting because of Tom's reaction towards what you showed him, but think of Lily and James, little Harry. Think about your future and your children's futures. Do you really want Bellatrix to have a child with Tom in the future instead of you?" Seamus asked, looking disgusted at the thought, and then knowingly at me.

I rolled my eyes, I knew the what was hanging in the balance if I decided to change anything, what was in the future, all of its possibilities.

"With the way he reacted, I might as well just change something. How do I know that he isn't just using me to gain something, so that he can become the most powerful wizard of all time, of the entire world? What security do we have that he won't just kill me and our offspring when he or if he becomes power hungry? " I asked, falling back on the bed again, pouting at them.

"Quit with theatrics, Anna. You know that boy is head over heels for you. I am almost certain that what he feels for you is love. That boy is in love with you. You could tell by the way he constantly worries about you when something happens to you. If he was using you, would he even care if something happened to you?" Seamus argued.

"You didn't see the way he dropped my hand as if it burned him. Or-or how he left without a backwards glance or word uttered." I argued back, my lower lip trembling at the memory.

"Jeez Annamaria, what did you show him? His death? The dream-slash-trance where you saw your mother and father? Did you even explain your specific bloodline to him?" Seamus asked, after blanking out for a second.

"It's Annamarie or Annie...Actually, I explained... to an extent... I showed it to him. That's probably what freaked him out the most." I informed them, almost shamefully.

"Your full name is Sophia Annamari-ah Riel- MacLaggen." Seamus argued, smirking.

"No, it's Annamarie. Mah-rah-iee after my mother. You know your older sister?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest childishly.

"Besides, it's not the first time I showed him something. His reaction took me by complete and utter surprise." I muttered.

"Alright, Annamari-ah!" He taunted before a thwack was heard.

"Now, why'd you do that? I was just messing with her!" Seamus complained, rubbing the back of his head, where Grisha thwacked him.

"Seriously?! Are you two going to keep arguing or are we going to stop Annie here from dooming us all, if she changes the future." Grisha cut into our argument.

"Let's get a few things straight here. One, my name is Sophia Anna-Mah-rah-ie Riel-MacLaggen, I will not let anybody change that. Two, if what you and Seamus are saying is true, if I do change the future, and do end up dooming us all. What would it matter? He dies twice. He kills innocent people, any who is willing to fight against him, everyone who is willing to fight along his side either dies or runs like cowards that they are or will be. Harry will be triumphant in the end." I said, sighing in pain.

"Is that what you meant by all of this? Are you tryly that scared? That you won't be able to save him or why did you decide to change all of this? Annie, what are you hiding?" Grisha finally asked, leaning down to look me in the eye.

I blinked away the tears that began to form in my eyes.

"This. This is what I've been hiding..." I said, extending my hand towards her and Seamus, before closing my eyes in concentration.

Suddenly all the visions I have had since I arrived at Hogwarts broke free from where I'd hidden them in the contours of my mind...

I felt the energy I had for the past three days leave me. As my fingers loosened around Grisha and Sea's hands, I collapsed heavily onto the bed with exhaustion, breathing heavily.

Sweat dewing all over my forehead, cheeks, and chest. The loose strands of my hair that had come loose from my braid, matting onto my face.

"Annie, you do know some of those things didn't happen, right? And that you are saving thousands, upon thousands of people by having this on your shoulders." Seamus said, patting my hand comfortingly.

"You need to stop worrying so much... nothing bad is going to happen." Grisha said firmly.

"Do you honestly think that we would let anything happen to you? You are family. What kind of family would we be if we let that happen to you?" Seamus asked me, rhetorically of course.

I giggled at his antics, "It feels good to finally have someone to call family." I said, smiling up at them.

"It does, doesn't?" Grisha replied, smiling at me.

"It's getting late, we'd better head back... But we'll be back later... Maybe. If we're not, we'll be back for certain tomorrow. Get some rest Annie Bananie, who knows how much you need it after all the crap you've been through this and last week." Seamus said, patting my feet as they left the wing.

I laughed at his unintentional humor and rolled my eyes at them as I watched them leave.

Before my eyes began to feel extremely heavy. My last thoughts that night were of what I was going to do for the next two days to occupy myself since I was stuck in this bed.

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