Ch.8 Lies & Confrontations

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I quickly made my way towards the next class that I knew to be in my timetable. Which happened to be Transfiguration, with Professor Albus Dumbledore.

Followed by Charms with Professor Minerva McGonagall.

Bellatrix, Cissy, and their older sister, Andromeda, caught up to me soon after I head out of the Great Hall after supper.

I happened to be heading towards the library, when I heard one of them call after me as I reached to turn the corner of the end of the hall, where the library is located.

As soon as I got to the library I made my way towards the herbology section, before slipping on my charmed ring, one of the girls from slytherin, Evangeline Monteiro, helped me enchant it.

Then proceeded to go to the restricted section, grabbed the two books, Moste Potente Potions, another on divinity, that I was looking for, shrunk it before I dropped it in my cloak pocket.

Making sure Madam Pince was distracted before walking back out just as briskly.

When Bella and her sisters finally caught up with me, the moment I exited the library. Their call caused me to stop where I stood, which happened to be near the entrance of the library.

"Annie, we've been looking for you for over twenty minutes." Andi said before blinking confused, tilting her head to the side.

"Did-did you notice that your hair now has a silver flecks all over it?" Bella asked shocked, blinking at the side of my head.

"Yes, I also have a few forest green or emerald ones that I've concealed for a while now." I explained. "The emerald ones were easy to conceal, sadly, I don't think the silver ones will be concealed so easily." I added, looking down into my bag.

"My Lady, I-I think we should tell Riddle of this before he gets suspicious or catches wind of it. I heard from Snape that he's been asking around for information on you." Bellatrix said.

"No..., not yet." I alleged harshly, before breathing in, " No, we-we can't... it-it isn't the time, not just yet." I muttered this time through tight lips.

"Annie a-are you sure this won't be putting your life in any type of danger?" Cissy asked, hinting.

"I'm trying to see, but there are too many obstacles that are clouding everything, so much so that my head has been throbbing and my nose bleeds sometimes when I get any type of vision from the future." I explained, beginning to feel agitated.

"Well, Annie, I don't want anything to happen to you, so please be careful. You're like another sister to us. I'll see you ladies after class tonight alright." Andromeda said, hugging me tightly as she passed by and went to class.

"Yes, she's the awesome sister I've always wanted." Bellatrix muttered, or tried to.

I smirked at her, shaking my head in amusement before I spoke to them again. My eyes flashing blankly for a second before I saw a clear image.

"Change of plans, ladies. Round up everyone at the lake. Tonight the plans begin. Make sure everyone is there." I said as we walked over to Transfiguration.

When we walked into the room, Professor Dumbledore was already waiting in the front of the room expectantly. We sat on the third row near the back, soon after other students began filing in briskly.

Tom and his 'minions', as I liked to called them walked in, taking the entire last row for themselves.

"Good afternoon, students. I trust you are all having a good day today." Dumbledore began, as he paced in front of the class. "Today you will attempt to turn your quill pens into a bird of your choice. It may take a couple of tries but I believe you can do it. This should be a review." He said offhandedly.

Then he proceeded to instruct us, telling us the incantation and the motion to move our wrist as he did so. I watched in awe as he turned his pen turned into a beautiful firey red Phoenix, watching as it flew around the room, mesmerized.

I watched him not even bothering to blink. Once he was done with the demonstration he let us have a go.

Three students managed to turn their desks into pigs for a second before they turned back into the tables, another student's spell backfired and they ended up getting themselves turned into primates.

Bellatrix and I tried to hide our laughter as we watched all the ruckus happen around us.

Even Narcissa was laughing along with us. We were laughing so hard that our sides began to ache. By the time our turns came to turn our pens into birds, we did it on our first try.

I turned mine into the perfect replica of a wide-eyed owl. Bellatrix's was a raven, and Cissy's a small Robin.

Come the end of the class, we could hardly stand. It was rather refreshing to laugh without a care in the world.

I still felt as if something was bubbling and about to be blown. I couldn't help wondering what was going to happen next as we walked to our next class.


I felt drained, mentally and physically as we reached the end of the day.

It was right before dinner, and I was making my way towards the library having already read one of the books I had borrowed earlier. Things began to make more sense as I read through it and deciphered the prophecy I had gotten earlier.

I had managed to get through half of it before I was interrupted.

A shadow suddenly appearing at the end of the table, blocking the light that I was using.

My hand clutched the parchment the prophecy was written on tightly. I was met with the pair of familiar jewel-like eyes, that I had worked so hard this week to forget about.

Tom stood on the opposite side of the table, a skeptical expression etched on his handsome face.

I quickly looked back down at the book I was reading on Divination: Deciphering the Future. Continuing to make notes on the parchment of the prophesy.

Where dark and light collide (Two people of complete opposites)

There betrayal lies. (One shall betray the other)

Two hearts become one, (They fall in love)

and two lives once friends become foes (Chaos shall ensue, friends won't agree on the pair being together)

Blood of innocent will shed (People will die, innocent people)

Wars shall begin

Unless she who has power

Can decide who lives. (Someone with great power, must decide whether she wants to be good or bad to prevent war.)

Love will turn to hate

Bitterness shall make its return.

As he who seeks power will come to alight ( Person seeking power shall be revealed.)

He will fall under the hands of

she who once showed mercy. (The same person who saved the other now must decide whether the other person gets to live.)

Of those who once were saved

The betrayal lays, unexpected betrayal

Don't run for he who seeks shall find.

"What does it say?" He asked curiously, his eyes not meeting mine.

"I don't think that it is any of your business." I muttered, trying to ignore him.

"Actually it is my business. I know this involves me for two reasons. One, you're my girlfriend therefore, anything pertaining to you, also pertains to me." He said; I could see amusement dancing in his eyes as he spoke. "Two, do you really think that its talking about anyone else?" He asked, sitting down in the seat before me.

"I refuse to discuss this matter with anyone. Especially you." I said, shoving my things into my bag roughly before I stood and left the library briskly, fighting to keep my anger at bay the entire time.

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