Ch. 50

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After that small dispute at the Gryffindor table, I quickly finished my abandoned food, and left to go back to the common room.

I had been forward to going back to the muggle world even for a little while. But seeing the circumstances I wasn't willing to risk the girls or any of the other children from Tom's orphanage, even though he was more than happy to comply to not go back to that horrid place.

Anything to avoid that retched woman.

I sat in the common room for a while before I sighed tiredly, deciding to turn in for the night.

My things were packed and ready to go in my trunk and book bag.
Everything was there.

All I needed to do was change my clothes after I woke up tomorrow morning. Even Chloe was in the confoundment of her cage.

I began to get the familiar stirring in my stomach as I climbed into bed.

From experience, I knew that it was either a vision coming along or that the events that occurred at dinner were starting to wear me down.

I could feel as a fuzzy feeling began to seep into my mind, my visions clouding with blurry and eventually black spots.

The last thing I remember was my head hitting my pillow before I sunk into unconsciousness.

From the images before me I could tell that it was going to be an intense summer, more so for some, than others.

I was beginning to believe that getting together this summer is a truly bad idea.

However, considering that there are too many variables on the line that could be affected if we don't. It is crucial that everyone knew everything that we know at this point, otherwise it would be like going in blindly.

When I snapped my eyes back opened it was morning. I could tell by the chaos that was occurring out in the small corridors within the girls' dormitories. I could hear screeching of many of the girls within the corridors.

Realizing what time, it was — seven in the morning. I rushed out of bed, flicking my wrist to make the bed, before ripping off my night dress. I then gathered my clothes in my arms and rushing to the bathroom.

Showering quickly in cold water to scare any sleep left over, away.

When I stepped out, I quickly used a quick-dry spell, slipping my clothes on in a rush.

I forwent slipping on any two articles of clothing, instead going for a gray, black and white, floor length, cotton maxi dress.

When I finished getting dressed I quickly applied a light layer of mascara, and eyeliner, then smothered some lip balm over my lips. Then I quickly semi curled my hair, slipping on a Greek leave head band.

I then gathered the rest of my clothes in my arms, and my toiletries into a bag before I exited the bathroom.

When I finished putting the last of the items I had left out the night prior, into my trunk. I slipped on my black ankle boots with chains on them, slowly scanning the room to make sure nothing was left.

With one last nod to myself, I pet Chloe's head lovingly and gave her a snack before heading down for breakfast.

While walking down to the Great Hall, I took a small detour, heading quickly towards a small flower-filled meadow on the hill top, near the northern clock tower.

I stood there watching the sun gleam off the fresh cut grass and dewy flowers.

It was eight, meaning I had an hour before breakfast finished completely and we had to head out towards the train station.

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