Ch.12 Demonstrations

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I waited a few moments, watching as what I told him sunk in.

After a few seconds of waiting as he suddenly snapped out of it.

When he did come out of his shocked state, he practically dragged me down the stairs that lead towards the dungeons. Stopping short in front of a stone wall, where a Salazar Slytherin statue stood upright with an unwelcoming sneer.

My guess, was that we were heading to the location of the Slytherin common room.

He barely stopped to say the password before the wall parted before us.

"Mudblood." He said, watching as the wall parted ways.

I rolled my eyes as he pulled me through the opening, and closing automatically after we stepped through.

A moment later, we stopped in the middle of the common room, before he led me to a leather chesterfield, pulling me down with him on the seat.

"Leave." He commanded them, in a harsh tone, his green eyes never leaving mine, as if afraid I would vanish into thin air.

A group of first years that were studying quickly gathered their supplies before rushing to their respective dormitories.

I smirked up at him and laid back on the cool black leather chesterfield.

It was surprisingly cool here in the dungeons, even with a lit fire.

I shifted my position to a more comfortable position.

I hadn't realized we were no longer alone. But the voice that spoke made me go rigid in my seat.

"What's this I hear about a mudblood being in the common room, Riddle?" Yaxley asked as he walked in to the room.

"Who are you calling a mudblood, Corban?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as he jumped at the sound of my voice.

"M-my Lady..." He said shocked, as he spotted me on the chesterfield, his head sharply turned towards Tom, his face paling as he realized what he'd done. "My L-lord. I-I didn't know i-it was her. I swear, P-Park-Parkinson said that I should come check it out with you." He stuttered, his eyes widening as he registered who it was sitting next Tom.

I rolled my eyes at him before, flicking my wrist lazily.

Throwing a quick curse at him, watching in satisfaction as he fell writhing to the ground.

"You didn't learn with the demonstration you had earlier huh, Yaxley? My blood is purer than yours, if I do say so myself. Can you tell me who you are to make such accusations on an innocent person, what if I had been a mudblood?" I asked.

"Anna..." Tom said, catching my attention as my wrist flicked again, knowing what he wanted.

Yaxley gasped in pain, his limbs twitching as the others in the group from earlier rushed in.

"You all were summoned here, so that I can give you all an announcement." He said, pausing for effect. "Starting tonight, Anna, here is the newest member of the house of Slytherin. She is not a simple follower to our group; she is my equal. When you address her, you shall address her as my Lady. She will be your new Dark Lady, or Princess of Darkness. Unless she says otherwise." He said, as he stood by the emerald flashing fire.

I hadn't even noticed that he stood, let alone walked almost across the room.

"Well, thank you for the honor, but to be honest, I would prefer it if I was addressed by my given name, Sophia Annamarie. Though I prefer only certain people to call me Sophia, only those I deem as worthy, the rest can continue to call me Annamarie. My Lady shall be used at meetings, or when we deem it needed. Is that understood?" I commanded, standing to face them.

Bellatrix suddenly bounced to the place next to me and smiling brightly at me.

"Annie, a few parts of your hair just turned a magnificent shade dark emerald green." Bella said, watching in awe.

"More?" I asked, scowling as my hand went up to touch it.

She nodded in response, reaching up to touch the section the turned green.

"M-my Lady?" A voice said, one that I recognized almost immediately.

There stood a hesitant Parkinson. I smiled wickedly as I turned to acknowledge her.

I tilted my head slightly watching her in amusement as she stepped forward slowly.

"Ah. Parkinson, so it was you who called me a mudblood,eh? Well, I would have warned you like I warned the others earlier this evening about me not liking called that word, had you been there like you were told to be you'd know. But seeing you're as daft as a troll, and it does seem as you enjoy tormenting others, well let's just say I will give you a demonstration of what cruelty truly is." I said, smiling wider as I noticed Tom walk towards me.

Tom walked to where I was standing, and brought me closer to him, holding me to his body as he watched me.

A smirk pulling on his lips.

"Bella? Avery?" I asked, turning to them.

"Yes, my lady?" They called, automatically stepping closer.

"Hold Parkinson up." I ordered, smiling as I raised my hand up and flicked my wrist putting up the silencing spell before looking at her.

I did the exact same thing I had done to Yaxley earlier.

Amplifying her pain, a tad more.

She let out a shrill scream and then clamped her jaw shut. A putrid stench suddenly clouding the air.

The smell caused some people to begin gagging as they struggled to cover their noses and mouths.

"Don't push her too much, Anna, there is only so much you can push a person before they lose their minds. Not that Parkinson has much of a mind to lose. Let's not bother getting into trouble over something as minuscule as this." Tom whispered in my ear, in amusement.

I giggled decreasing the pain, only by the slightest.

After five minutes I flicked my wrist again, I watched as Parkinson fell limp onto the ground, onto her knees still shaking and sweating.

"Oh, Parkinson, I thought with how you acted, trying be better than everyone else around here, that you could have at least taken a widdle curse." I mocked as she laid on the ground gasping. Listening as the others chuckled at my remark.

"Tomorrow we meet at the same spot at the same time, I have important news to say." I announced, watching all of them, feeling their reactions.

"Why not just say it now?" asked Avery, appearing before the crowd.

I looked at Tom expectantly.

He smirked as stepped around me, to move forward.

The green glow that the fire casting an eerie feel to the room.

"Avery, how many times do you want to get a demonstration. Questioning Anna is like questioning me. Are you questioning me?" He asked, his hand behind his back as he paced.

"N-n-no, my Lord." He stuttered, his eyes growing wide.

Tom scoffed at the pathetic attempt to kiss his arse before turning away.

"You're dismissed. Leave." Tom said without looking at them.

When they all left the room, I heard as Tom made his way towards me, an unknown emotion flicking across his eyes.

I felt as he pulled me towards him, and crushed his lips on to mine harshly.

I jumped in surprise as I felt as he bit my lower lip roughly. I tasted the familiar metallic taste of blood as he pulled away, smirk as he saw my swollen lips.

"That was incredibly alluring. Watching you talk to them like that... it's incredibly erotic sight to watch. The way you radiate power, does things to me that I can't explain. It's mesmerizing to watch." He said, snaking his hands into my hair.

"It's called lust, Tom, and I don't plan on going any further, anytime soon." I said, smirking as I watched his eyes darken.

"I'm going to go find where I am now sleeping. Goodnight, Tom." I added, turning on my heels and making my way towards the girls' dormitories.

Iniquity Approaches Book 2 of Iniquity Series~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now