Ch. 20 Painful Realization

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Tom's POV:

'This day turned to be a complete disaster...' He thought, as he sat in the armchair, watching the emerald flames dance around in the hearth.

It was as if all of his plans seemed to collapse before him, and the fact was making him angrier than he thought he'd be.

As he sat on the chair his mind couldn't help but wonder to what happened earlier that night. Realizing that in his quest to gain power and to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world, he had done the last thing he wanted to do. He'd hurt Her.

His blood began to boil as he thought about the events of earlier that night.

~ Earlier Tonight~

"I am sure you are all wondering why I asked you all here." He began as the group began to form a loose circle around him.

Tom noticed that Anna hadn't moved from her place in front of the lake. Something seemed different about her. Her posture was different, something felt off about it. About her.

"Well the reason is..." He continued, pausing as he turned to watch Anna again. "Your disrespect towards my girlfriend, your Lady of Darkness, Anna. Three things have happened to her, and you all have failed to protect her. A few of you have gone as far as to disrespect her in front of me." He said, shaking his head, in fake disappointment.

"That is like questioning, and disrespecting me." He said, as Anna turned around to look him in the eye. Her multi colored eyes shining as she looked towards him.

His unreadable expression softened as she smirked at him.

He then tilted his head to one side, silently asking her to join his side; as she walked towards him, letting her cloak open with the soft, cool breeze that was blowing.

His eyes automatically scanned her from head to toe, taking in her appearance. One that held power to it.

When she reached his side, his hand automatically found hers.

Automatically connecting them telepathically.

He enjoyed the feeling of her warm hand in his cool one, it was an weird feeling as he felt her prod his mind, and as he watched her scan everyone in the group, reading their feelings.

He smirked as he took in the information before him

"Failing to protect her, is like failing to protect me. I won't allow these mistakes to be made. Those of you who caused the problems, have already suffered the consequences. Consider it a warning to all of you. Next time all of you shall suffer." He said harshly, looking around the group.

Noting that a few of them flinched at his tone, and took a mindless step back as they stared back at him with unreadable expressions.

He smirked coldly at their response towards his voice. Almost enjoying it as much as he enjoyed being with Anna

"Yes, my Lord." They answered in unison.

"Leave." He ordered, almost scoffing after they all disappeared into the darkness of the woods.

He felt Anna s body stiffen suddenly in her place next to him.

'He didn't, he wouldn't.' She thought, shaking her head as she snatched her hand away from his, and beginning to pace before him.

"You—You didn't." She seethed.

He raised an eyebrow at her in question. Wondering what he could've done to upset her.

Iniquity Approaches Book 2 of Iniquity Series~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now