Ch. 63

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I managed to stay in my room the rest of the day until supper time arrived.

Madam Noelle and Professor McGonagall were adamant that I not skip anymore meals, whether I ate light or not.

So, I slowly made my way out of the common room, and towards the Great Hall. I could feel the exhaustion as took each step.

My desire to sleep and my desire to eat were irreconcilable, causing the two to somehow clash.

So, I slowly made my way towards the Slytherin table and sat down near the front, to eat.

I was just about to pull out my astrology book from my pocket when Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall made their way towards my location.

I stared up at them, curiously, when they stopped at the front of the table.

"Is something wrong, Professors?" I asked tiredly, biting my lower lip to cover the yawn that made its way out of my mouth.

"We were just wondering if you were still planning to be present when Kuznetsova arrived. We aren't sure if that is the best for you to be there, especially now." Dumbledore hinted.

"Why would that be, Professor?" Tom asked, suddenly appearing next to me.

"We're just worried that Anna, here, is pushing herself too far. She's too exhausted. She may overexert herself, and we wouldn't want any harm to come to her." He said, keeping his eyes on me.

Gesturing towards the darkened purple hues that now stained under my eyes.

I knew they were there, because I felt the exhaustion weighing me down, despite all the sleep I had been getting.

"I can assure you, Professors. Madam Noelle said, to take it easy, and that everything should be fine. I've been resting all day today, and I'll be doing the same tomorrow. There is no need for your worries." I said, looking towards Professor McGonagall.

"Is there something that I am missing here?" Tom asked me, as all our group began taking their seats around us.

I quickly shielded everyone's minds and turned to look at Tom in the eye. "No, I've been getting headaches but it's due to exhaustion. Don't worry about it, I'm alright." I assured him, avoiding eye contact after that.

'Why do I feel like there's something you aren't telling me?' He questioned, staring at me with an eyebrow raised.

'Nothing is wrong. I might add that the possibility we discussed during the summer is true.'  I thought back.

'Your parents, and- and my mother are possibly alive?' He asked, shocked.

I nodded in response before turning to look back at the two professors. "I promise not to push myself too far." I promised, as the food appeared.

"Remember to eat a proper meal." Professor McGonagall reminded, smiling warmly at me.

I nodded in response, and looked at the food.

Quickly deciding to eat a few boneless, chicken drumsticks, some mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, and a roll. Then some pudding.

"Why are all the professors worried that you'll get sick?" Tom asked, as he grabbed a piece of steak and kidney pie, slipping it onto his plate.

"They're probably worried that she'll get sick, dooming us all." Dolohov said, smirking at me.

"Seeing as she has got most of the responsibility of helping us all either live or die, I'd be worried too," Bastan quipped.

"Ugh, be quiet. All your idiotic blubbering is giving me a splitting headache. Let me eat in peace." I complained.

Scoffs were heard all around our group and I scowled at them.

"Leave her alone, she's not feeling well." Bellatrix said, scowling at them all.

I ate quietly, ignoring all the comments before deciding to head back to my room.

Come Monday morning, we sat in the Great Hall, some practicing their dueling skills, others brewing potions, and others practicing their defensive and offensive spells.

I sat on the ground resting while I watched everyone go about in their days.

"How are you feeling today?" Evangeline asked, as we watched Sirius and Dolohov duel.

"I've been better. It's barely morning I'm sure I'll feel better later." I said, laying back.

"Have you-" She began before I silenced her with a look.

"No, and don't speak of it here. There could be people listening." I snippee.

The day passed quickly after that. The rest of the week we took the N.E.W.T.S, pretty soon the day came in which the school was evacuated, the only ones who were left were the ones who were expected to go the next morning to Hogsmeade.

I was in the common room pacing, watching as the everyone either left or was to stay in their dormitories.

There wasn't a single soul that was willing to stay, quickly leaving in carriages to the Hogsmeade train station, with the Professors escorting them.

I paced as I felt my stomach begin to churn.

Tom, who had just walked into the common room, stared at me as I paced back and forth.

"Alright. Let's hear it. What is it this time that's got your nerves in a bunch?" He asked, sitting down in the arm chair.

"Nothing, just the fact that tomorrow- it's the wait. That's all." I told him.

"Right, well you seem rather tired. Perhaps you should go rest, seeing as tomorrow will probably be a big day." He suggested, giving me a small smile.

"Right, well. Goodnight then." I said, giving him a small smile in return, as I made my way out of the common room and began making my way in the direction of my room.

The small smile I had mustered quickly dropped from my face the moment I turned away.

Hoping that all goes well tomorrow morning.

For now, I pushed every thought about what was coming out of my mind.

Hoping to get some much needed rest as I made my way out of my room.

I slowly made it into my room, slipping my shoes off, then proceeding to change into my night dress.

When I climbed into my bed, I finally begin to feel all of the day's events weigh down on me.

With the exhaustion that seemed to be ever present in my body, I knew I would be out before me head hit the pillow.

As I laid on the bed, I pulled my covers over my body, and I felt my body begin to relax as my body sunk into unconsciousness.

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