Ch.14 Break Through

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The rest of the day passed an without incident.

That is until I reached Divination.

Somehow today I had the misfortune of having it in the last hour before supper. I was walking with Bellatrix and Cissy towards the room, when my stomach began to feel queasy.

I already knew this as a sign of the future showing me something today.

I groaned in response to the uneasy sensation I felt as I walked into the room and sat down.

Soon after I felt as my skin began to get clammy, blood rushed to my cheeks, as they began to get heated, and my head was beginning to get fuzzy.

Trying to ignore the flashes that began to show in my mind. Time seemed to stand still as the glass ball was slid onto its stand in the middle of the table. I hadn't even noticed that Bellatrix and Cissy had been replaced by Tom and Billy Avery.

I was too entranced by what began to flash before me.

There were too many flashes of uncertainty at the apparent moment, which to my surprise the only glimpse that I managed to understand is that it involved Tom and me. When the flashes in the blue smoke stopped, I looked over at Tom, breathing short, harsh breaths before forcing the words out.

"Tom?" I called, as I tried to get his attention.

"Yes?" He replied, as he continued to speak to Billy.

"Tom, I need you to get me out of here." I whispered urgently, as I felt the fuzziness in my brain disappear and the heat in body descend.

I saw him stand from the corner of my eye; I took three deep, calming breathes and opened my eyes once more. I looked over at a nervous Billy and sighed, sighing before I spoke.

"Tell everyone to meet in the forest as soon as possible. If I am not there, I will get Tom to deliver my message to you all." I said, standing up as I felt something hot and wet begin to pour out of my nose, to the top of my upper lip.

I quickly wiped my face with the back of my hand and began stuffing the things I used into my bag.

"Are you feeling alright, Anna?" Tom asked me carefully, as I continued to stuff my things into my bag.

"I've been better." I said dryly, getting up and walking out of the room, heading down the stairs in a hasty pace.

I quickly made my way to the dungeons, towards the Slytherin common.

Once I stood at the stone wall's secret passage, I quickly whispered the password and made my way to my room, flicking my wrist as I entered my room to light the hearth and the torches around the room, before locking the door behind me.

I then proceeded to go to my trunk, and pull out the picture of my parents that Grisha had given me.

I had already explained everything to her this morning when I ran into her, this morning in the library. She seemed be put off at first but then nodded her head.

"Remember, that sometimes saving someone could mean losing part of yourself forever, Sophie. Please be careful. The girls and I will miss you, I truly hope you're doing the right thing, I really do." She said as she hugged me before leaving for breakfast.

Those words reeled in my mind for the rest of the day, up until Divination, just now.

I remembered that Parkinson was still in the hospital wing unconscious and decided to go see her, to 'check up' on her condition, before heading to the dorms.

I made my way towards the infirmary quietly; my mind wondering what I was about to do, wondering if it was the correct thing to do.

Then I remembered what my mother had told me in the vision a couple of weeks ago.

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