Magcon Forever.

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Part 1-The Beginning


Yes! Its the start of summer! im mega excited! I'm going to stay with my grandparents like I do every summer! Yeah I know that it sounds boring! But my best friends are there! Nash and Hayes! I've known them all my life. When ever I went to my grandparents house they would be there because my grandmother was there babysitter! I nearly ran home from school. My long Black hair blowing in my face but all I could see was my pink hair extensions at the bottom of my black combed hair. I was one of the strange kids. I hang around with two boys Ethan and Carl there both into rock music and are both pretty 'gothic' and that's probably why I am. I wear black earings with my big hair and my huge eye lashes. But thats just who I am. Anyways I was walking home with Carl.

"So Hannah why do you have to go again?" He asked. Carl and Ethan were pretty jealous of Nash and Hayes.

"Because I always go to see my grandparents and you know how I feel about Nash and Hayes! there my best friends other than you and Ethan!" I said we got to my door. I hugged Carl.

"you know I hate hugs Hannah" He said.

"I know but I wont see you all summer! " I said. He said good bye and walked away with his long coat ahd leather gothic gloves. I walked inside my house. My mum was in the kitchen cooking something.

"Mum! that smells good!" I said whilst grabbing an apple and walking upstairs.

"your Nan and grandad are expecting you anytime soon so get your stuff together! and take out you hair extensions you know your nan doesn't like them!" She called.

"You Know its never gonna happen!" I shut my door and lay on my bed. I pulled my iphone 5c out and texted nash.

N-Nash H-Hannah

H-Im so excited to see you and Hayes!

N-Were more excited! ;)

H- I'll be here soon!

N-Yay! I cant wait to see you bae!

Omg! did Nash Grier just call me bae? I mean he's all famous now?

My stuff was all packed a put on my Adventure time top and my black ripped skinny jeans with my hair backcombed with my little pink bow clipping my huge fringe back. I put my pink dock martins on and grabbed my Black Veil Brides bag and ran downstairs. My mum was waiting in the car I got in and she started to drive.

"You know your grandmother hates you being all gothic" she said.

"well she'll have to get used to it wont she because this is who I am" I smiled feeling cocky.

"its that bloody Ethan and Carl! they got you into this stuff! " she said.

"No mum. You know why" I said. We didn't really say anything for the next half an hour until we pulled up outside my Grandparents house. We got out the car and we headed to the door. I knocked on and my grandad answered.

"Grandad!" I shouted and hugged him I never really see them because they live so far away. We went inside and my grandmother was in her chair as she always was. "nan!" I ran over and hugged her. My mum went into the kitchen with my nan and grandad I was left alone I went upstairs and into the guest room and put my stuff down I sat down and plugged my head phones in and listened to All time low. Music was my escape. Until I was interrupted by someone barging in.

"Nash!" I screamed.

Part 2- Nash.


"Nash!" I screamed. I jumped up and ran to him and flung my arms around him. He picked me up and span me around. We hugged for 5 minutes at least. When we finally stopped hugging he looked at me.

"you're looking different it must be because you look more beautiful" he smirked.

"Shush you. and wheres my little Hayes?" I laughed.

"Hes at home eating of course !" Nash laughed.

"I've missed you so much" I said.

"We missed you too! Hows your friends? Ethan and Chris?"

"Carl. And Nash you know there my best friends? other than you and Hayes" I said. I dont know why but they both seem to be jealous of each other?

"Do you wanna go see hayes!" he asked.

"Yeah!" we walked out. Nash was nice, he was the only one who understands why im the way I am. He listens. Unlike my mum and nan who hate me being 'Gothic'. Anyways I told my grandparents where I was going and we started to walk to his. We talked all the way.

"I noticed that you changed to pink this year" he laughed.

"yeah...Carl said it looks nicer thank blue" I said.

"It looks beautiful" he said sweetly. We got to his house and walked in.

"Hayes!" Nash shouted. Hayes come running round the corner he obviously didnt see me behind nash.

"Is she here yet!" he screamed.

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now