Magcon Forever Part 16.

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Once Nash had finished in the bathroom we all got in a taxi to the airport.  Nash grabbed my hand and held it all the way. I have a bit of a fear of planes and only Nash knows so I'm pretty scared to be honest. We got to the airport and boreded the plane then the worst part was coming,  taking off. I felt Nashs hand lock into mine. I squeezed his hand I shut my eyes tightly. I feel someone kiss my cheek and whisper into my ear.

"Don't worry I got you...Always" I opened my eyes and Nash was already looking deep into my eyes. I got lost in his big blue eyes I mean who doesn't get lost in them. He lent into me and I did the same, we were heading for a mean full kiss until Hayes ruined it.

"Guys! We're in public. " he whispered.  I just laughed and the plane had already took off! god how long was I looking at him for? I fell asleep about an hour later.

Matts pov.

I think my heart just shattered into a million pieces. Hayes just told me Hannah and Nash are together.  I had strong feelings for her.  Feelings I've never had before. Everyone knew Nash had a crush on her but I just really liked her and I'm pretty sure she liked me back. I was waiting in the airport with Sam and Jc because they were coming to magcon. Tears in my eyes and a broken heart. 

"Matt it's okay dude." Jc said pulling me into his arms. Then it all came out. I started to cry my heart out.

"Dude I thought she liked me" I sobbed.

"We did too but Nash got in there first and I'm sorry" Jc said. After sobbing my feelings out we got on the plane.

Heres to the worst weekend of my life.

Hannahs pov.

The plane had landed and we were waiting for someone to pick us up. I felt bad on Matt I completely forgot about him. I did really like him to be honest but I trust Nash and I've always had a crush on him. Then my deep thoughts were interrupted by Nash.

"Hannah come on." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me into a limo. There was already four boys in there. Sam, Jc, Matt and Shawn. Matt looked like he had been crying.  He shot a look at me but I turned away. I felt guilty.

Nash put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

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