Magcon Forever Part 29.

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Hannahs Pov.

I don't know what to do. My heads all mashed up right now! Taylor held me in his arms as I cried.

"I need to see Nash" I said through the tears.

Me, Taylor and Shawn walked outside of the airport and an ambulance was there and oh god.

Nash motionless lying on the floor. His bright blue eyes were unseen by his eye lids tightly shut, His hand was twitching. I ran over and kneeled down next to him. I grabbed his hand and held it tight.

"Please don't leave me" I whispered as tears ran down my face.

"Remember what we said...if we end it we do it together"

The paramedics lifted him into the ambulance and I went with them, Shawn and Taylor came with me.

"Remember our first kiss...when we were thirteen and the first time you asked me out...when you kissed my cheek on my fifth birthday" I whispered holding Nashs hand tightly.

"Hannah" Taylor said.

"He can't hear you"

"He can...I love you" I said running my hand through his hair.

"Please dont leave me...Your alright...Your alright" I whispered.

Taylor put his arm around me and I dug my head intohis chest and sobbed.

"Shhhh it's okay" he said rubbing my back.

"I got you I promise" he whispered.

-One hour later-

We sat in the hospital waiting room for what seemed like hours. I was laying down with my head on Taylors lap. He was stroking my hair while I silently cried.

"Mr Grier?" a doctor said. We all jumped up.

"Yes! " Hayes shouted. (Everyone was here now)

"Can we have a word with the relatives only?"

"Yeah sure...Hannah come on" Hayes said I walked over and Hayes grabbed my hand and we walked into a room where Nash laid motionless on the bed.

"I'm sorry Mr Grier but were not sure if he'll make it"

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now