Magcon Forever Part 24.

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Taylors Pov.

When Hannah walked out everyone stared at me.

"Taylor we need to know what tye hell happened between you and Hannah." Aaron said. Matt walked out. He obviously knew. I sat on the bed and everyone sat around.

"Guys your all probably going to hate me after this but... two years ago I moved to a new school...and I started dating this girl...Hannah anyways she got hate from the other girls for going out with me but tyat didn't bother her...then one night I asked her to...well you know but she refused so I broke up with her....tyen my so called friends got this crazy idea to tell everyone that she did do stuff with me...she got hate...alot of hate and I loved her and I was sorry but she couldn't even look at me...and right now I can't forgive myself for what I did to that poor girl but one thing I do know is I'm still in love with her" by now tears were falling down my face and everyone looked shocked.

"Wow man...that's bad" Johnson said.

"I know" I answered.

"Gosh Tay that's a bit low" Shawn said.

"I know! Okay! I'm sorry! I've always been sorry! I fricken love her! She was my everything and I made her the laughing stock of the school.! I couldn't live wity myself for months! " I said now multiple tears running down my face.

"I need to go...It's my best friend he's in hospital" Hannah said as she burst in crying. I jumped up and she looked confused.

"I'll take you" I said.

"No you won't!  Shawn can you take me to the airport please" She asked he nodded and walked out with her.

"So does this explain why she's a goth?" Cameron asked.

"Cam! Stero typical much!" Gilinsky shouted.

"Sorry...but it does explain the big hair and strange band clothes"

"Cam! Shut the hell up!" Gilinsky shouted again.

Over all I feel bad. I ruined a girls life because she wouldn't hook up with me. She changed after that. She wasn't the Hannah Greenwood I knew and loved.

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now