Magcon Forever.

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Guys it's here. Last Chapter!  Het your tissues out this will be emotional. Thanks for the help and support you've all given me through the book. So here it is....

Hannahs Pov.

"Hannah you ready?" Taylor asked,  holding his hand out for me. I took his hand and we walked into the bathroom.

"You sure you want to do this?" He asked taking the pills from his pocket.

"Yeah" He took some out and handed them to me and he had some in his hand.

"On three...One...Two...Three" We both gulped down the many pills in our hand.

"We have an hour..." Taylor said. He grabbed my hand and took me into the bedroom. He started blasting 'I'm only human' like yesterday and he began to dance. He span me around and pulled me close.

Taylors Pov.

I danced with her, then she went, Hannah fell down and I held her in my arms.

"I'll hold you in my arms until its time to go..."Then I was gone.

We're finally happy.

Hannahs pov.

My eyes began to open. I was in a bed. I sat up and there was pictures all around the room of me and Taylor and two children. I got out of bed and out the room. There was a corridor with 3 doors. One saying 'Joe' and another saying 'Ashley' I heard laughing downstairs. I slowly walked down and Taylor was sitting on a sofa reading a book to two children.

"Look kids Mommys home" Taylor smiled. The children ran over to me and hugged me. I bent down to there level and hugged them back. Tears ran down my face as I hugged the two children.

"Taylor is this real?"

"Yeah...we finally got what we wanted" I stood up and kissed Taylor. He picked me up and span me around.

"Ewww Mommy and daddy are kissing" The little girl giggled.

"Hannah this is Ashley and Joe...our children" Taylor smiled. I picked up Joe and Taylor picked Ashley up and we walked outside and watched the sun go down.

One big happy family.

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now