Magcon Forever Part 36.

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Only a few more chapters to go guys. And WARNING Ya'll better go get some tissues because this will be emotional.

Hannahs Pov.

Me and Taylor cheesy danced for hours talking.

"Remember the two kids were going to have...and we'll have a big house with a pool...the kids and us will watch the sun set on the beach outside our house...We'll live happily ever after...Just me amd our little family" Taylor whispered.

"I love you"

"I love you's just us against the world baby" He kissed the top of my head.

"Before we go...did you ever want to do anything? Like a bucket list" He asked.

"Visit Nash" I said as a tear fell down my face. We got in Taylors car and drove to Nashs house. We went in and his mother showed us to Nash.

"Hey Nash" I said.

"I'll give you a moment" Taylor said walking out. I sat on the chair next to Nash. He looked at me hopelessly.

"You don't remember me do you?" I asked.

"No...I'm sorry"

"Well tomorrow im doing something life changing and before I do it I wanted to say goodbye. .you were my best friend and at one point my boyfriend and right now...I just don't feel the need to be here anymore"

"So goodbye Hamilton Nash Grier" I kissed his head and walked out. Tears flooded down my face then I wanted to say goodbye to Hayes. I walked up to his room and he was just sitting there. I sat next to him.

"Hayes...I want you to remember that whatever happens in the future that it isn't your fault" I said with silent tears running down my face.

"Hannah?Why say that?"

"Because" I took a deep breath. "Because I-i just don't know what to do anymore and just remember that this isn't your fault"

I got up and walked downstairs and out the door then I heard something.

"Hanny!" it was Skylynn.

She ran to me and I picked her up.

"Why are you crying? " she asked.

"It's okay Hannys going to a better place" I smiled.

"But mommy said here is a better place"

"I'm going to a place with lots of angels"

"Nash said you were an angel" She giggled.

"Well Hanny will be an angel soon...Dont worry" I put her down and she ran inside . Taylor was sitting in the car and I got in.

"You alright Han?" He asked. I shook my head and tears ran down my face.

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now