Magcon Forever Part 31.

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Hannahs pov.

Me, Hayes and Taylor sat in the hospital room with motionless Nash.

I was laying down with my head rested on Taylors lap and Hayes was asleep in the chair. Taylor was stocking my hair tucking ot behing my ears like he used too back in the day.



"Do you remember cone kiss?" I asked.

(Yeah if you watch the programme Some Girls then you get this)

"Of course I do, when we insisted on kissing every inche of each others faces so we made it so we cup each others faces in our hands then kiss it and spread it across" He smiled.

"What happened to us?"

" love Nash stop thinking about us"

"Earlier on you said you were running to Nash to tell him how you felt about do you feel about me?" I asked.

"You do know that I still can't forgive myself for what I did to you...and I still love you" He confessed.

"Taylor...can I tell you something? "

"Yeah anything"

"I tried to kill myself...and I self harmed twice...because what you did"

"Hannah...I'm sorry" He said I felt a tear fall on my face. I sat up and looked at Taylor right in his eyes.

I cupped my hands like a cone and did cone kiss what we made up and a smile grew across his face.

"I love Nash" I said as j lay back down on Taylor.  I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Yeah this one is short I know but I got a bit of writers block! :)

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