Magcon Forever Part 3.

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I stepped from behind Nash.

"Hannah!" Hayes shouted, as he ran to me and flung his arms around me.

"I missed you so much! Did you dye your hair pink!" He said sounding excited.  "Yeah!" I said. Then his mum and Skylynn walked out fro  the kitchen. 

"Hanny!" Skylynn shouted thats what shes always called me she ran up to me and I picked her up.

"Hey sky! Hey Mrs Grier!" I said.

"Han you can call me Elizabeth you know! your like my other daughter! " She said laughing.  I put Skylynn down and she ran upstairs. Nashs mom went back into the kitchen and it was me, Nash and Hayes.

"Shall we go upstairs? " Nash asked.  Me and Hayes nodded and we walked upstairs.  We went into Nashs room and sat down.

"So Han hows life at the moment" Hayes asked.

"Good" I said.

"Have you been.. you know" Nash asked.

"Not really I suppose Carl and Ethan helped" I said I didn't really like talking about the subject of my depressing days.

"Good, Them two better be looking after my Hannah!" Nash said.

"They are but you two look after me better!" I said.

"of course we do!" Hayes said whiles grabbing my wrist and looking at my bracelets.

"This ones nice" he winked it was a tiny bracelet what Nash got me when we were 5 for my birthday.

"Its the one Nash got me" I said, Nash smiled and held up his wrist with the same bracelet on.

"oh so you still wear yours too?" I laughed.

"of course I do!" then his mom walked in.

"Hannah are you staying for dinner?" she asked.

"Yeah please! " I said.

"Hayes come help!" she said and the both walked out.

"Soo Hannah I got you something! " Nash shouted.

He jumped up and ran to his wardrobe and pulled a small flat box out.

I opened it and there was a picture of us from when we were about 6 holding hands at Nashs birthday party. in a blue frame saying memories on the top. My eyes started watering.

"Nash! thats so nice!" I shouted and flung my arms around him.

"its okay anything for you" he looked at me with his big blue eyes.

He lent in and so did I, I put my arms around his neck and we were inches away until Skylynn burst in crying. We jumped back and she ran into my arms I bent down to her level.

"Sky? whats wrong?" I asked.

"I lost my horsey" she cried.

"Its okay I'll help you find it. Here take this" I pulled my pink bow out my hair and gave it to her. My huge black backcombed hair didn't even fall because I had so much hair spary on it. She smiled and ran off with my bow.

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now