Magcon Forever Part 13.

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I woke up from a loud noise.  I jumped and Matt did too. I sat up and everyone was gone? I looked at Matt who was looking at me confused.

"Where is everyone? " I asked.

Then all the boys jumped from behind us and piled on to us. Shouting and laughing.

"Get off us guys!" Matt laughed then they all calmed down and sat around the living room.

"So what are we doing today?" Shawn perfectly smiled.

"I want to go swimming!"Aaron shouted. My eyes shot straight at Nash and he looked at me. Oh god.

"Yeah lets go to that massive water park!" Jc shouted.

We all left to get ready. I was really worried.  Nash told me to wear shorts and a bikini top so I did. I put a t-shirt over my bikini so they wont see, and ran over to Nash's.

"What if they see?" I asked Nash nervously while Nash and I walked out to his car with Hayes.

"They wont they will be looking else where don't worry" he said.  Hayes knew my secret too he just didn't know why it happened.

We drove for about 20 minutes then pulled up to a huge water park! The guys were already there and Jack and Jack had joined us and Taylor which I wasn't happy about. Then there was another guy who I dont know.

"Hey I'm Jacob" he smiled.

"Hannah" I said as he hugged me. We all walked into the reception and paid to get in then the boys said they would meet me on the other side of the changing rooms.  I changed into my black bikini top and my white shorts. They just about covered my secret up.

I walked out to see all 13 guys waiting.

"Let's go! "Hayes shouted.

Then Matt ran over to me and grabbed my hand and started running.  We ran up the stairs to a slide. Then I sat in between Matts legs and we went down. I was laughing all the way down then when we came out the slide we laughed even more.  Then we decided to go to the jacuzzi.  We sat in then he noticed.

"Han whats that on your legs?" Matt said getting closer.

"Its urm..." I was speechless.

He picked me up and sat me on his knee and started running his hand along my scars.

"Why did you do this?"

"I think its time I tell you... Well it was two years ago now. Anyways back in my school I used to be a different person. I didn't have big hair and there was no weird clothes just your average girl. Then this boy moved to the school. Everyone had a crush on him but he chose me. I got hate because I dated him but thats when it  all went downhill. One night we were watching a movie at his. When he tried it on with me but I wasn't ready yet so I pushed away. Then he dumped me and told everyone I did stuff with him. Him and his friends told everybody and then the bad hate started. He moved school and I made friends with two other guys and thats why I am who I am" by this point I was thinking about the things that they used to say and I was crying in Matts arms.

"Who was the guy?" He asked sounding angry.

"Tay-Taylor" I whispered.

He held me in his arms then Sam, Shawn, Jc and Nash came over and got in the jacuzzi with us.

"Are you crying? " Sam asked worried.

I just buried my head in Matts chest while he held me.

"Hannah did you tell him?" Nash asked and I felt Matt nodding his head.

"Tell him what?" Shawn asked.

"It doesn't matter guys" Matt said.

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now