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Hey! Long time no see! So ya'll wanted to know What happened to the boys so here it is...

Matthews POV.

I just stood there, staring into space. The rain was crashing down onto the floor, my hands were shaking as I held a red bunch of flowers. My lips trembling as I looked down at the grave stone infront if me. Which read.

'Hannah Greenwood and Taylor Caniff,

In loving memory,

'Together Forever

1996-2014 '

"Hey guys" I whispered,  there was no answer, obviously there wasn't an answer there hasn't been an answer for the last two years. I carefully placed the flowers down and sat on the cold wet grass.

"How's everything up top? Good? " I asked.

"I'm fine, Nash is re gaining memories... it's a slow process but he's getting there...How's Hayes up there with you? I hope he's good... it wasn't your fault the kids at school... they hated him for nothing after Nashs accident " A tear slipped down my eye.

"Shawn's just brought out a song...he said he's coming to play it for you soon, and the Jacks they just started there own I found a girl, were fine, Cameron and Carter are doing brilliant, and Aaron... jc and Sam have just finished there own tour... I just suppose were moving on"

"Anyway...I best be getting back soon, we're having a meal tonight in hour of you guys been gone for two years" I weakly smiled.

"Keep safe up there,I hope you're watching down on me...because I'll be waiting for you when it's my time to go... Keep Hayes safe up there too, I love you guys so much" I stood up and turned around, soaked from the rain,I saw my beautiful girlfriend waiting for me under her umbrella, I walked over and she put an arm around me and we walked off into the cold city.

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