Magcon Forever Part 25.

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Hannahs Pov.

I ran out to Shawns car wity him and we drove to the airport.  I was too distracted to even tell Nash that I'd gone. All I knew was I was getting a plane home now. I love Nash but Ethan (Whose currently lying in a hospital bed) Was there for me when Nash was all the way by my nanas house.

Nashs Pov.

I haven't seen Hannah since she passed out. I was running back to Taylors room to see her until Matt jumped in front of me.

"Matt move I need to see Hannah" I said pushing past him but he stopped me again.

"Haven't you heard?" he asked.


"Hannah left...She said she doesn't love you and Shawns gone too"

"What!" I screamed tears formed in my eyes."

"I know Shawn and her left ages ago and they seemed pretty happy" he said.

Taylors pov.

~In the past~

"Hannah...please forgive me" I said.

"Taylor I...I can't"

"I love you...Hannah please I love you"

"No Taylor!  No! you have ruined me! Look at me why am I paying tye price for your lies! Taylor everyone hates me! I cant love you! " She screamed.

"Hannah I love you"

"No Tay! you don't!  telling everyone I lost my v to you! if you love me you wouldn't lie about that!"

~present day~

"Taylor! Wheres Hannah and Shawn!" Nash shouted as he burst in crying.

"What?" I asked.

He fell to the floor and burried his head in his hands and began to cry hard, Matt walked past smirking.

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now