Magcon Forever Part 10.

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*Beep Beep Beep*

"Ugh five more minutes. " I groaned.

*Beep Beep Beep*


I basically smashed my hand on the alarm clock and rolled out of bed. Where did Nash go? I have no idea.

I walked down stairs and my grandparents were up and making pancakes,. I sat down at the table and checked my phone.

Sorry I left you last night I had to go home.

it was Nash of course,  but there was another text from Matt!
Good morning beautiful!

This made me blush so hard my grandmother noticed.

"Sweetheart why you blushing" she asked putting the pancakes down.

"Oh its nothing just Nashs friend" I smiled digging in to my pancakes.

"So your gonna date this young man then?" my grandad asked.

"Maybe I don't know...its not time"

"Hannah sweetheart its been two years since that Taylor boy" my nana said.

"Dont say his name." I shouted.

I got up abd walked out.

I went to the bathroom and had a shower.  I put my 'Black Veil Brides' top on and my skinny jeans. I put my hair as usual big and bright. Then grabbed my skate bored and head phones. I ran outside pluuged my head phones in got on my skate bored and escaped from the world. 

I was half way through singing in my head until CRASH!

I fell to the floor and hit my head.

"What the hell man." I said sitting up. it was Matt!

"Hannah!" he said.

"Yeah dude what were you thinking running into me like that? " I said standing up.

"Woah you look different today"

Crap! he noticed the big hair and everything. Play it cool hannah.

"Oh yeah... this is me" I stammered.
Great way to go Hannah stammer yourself out of this.
"I Was going to knock on for you...until you knocked me over" He smiled.

"Oh thats cool." I said.
What the heck hannah are you completely blind he likes you!

"So do you wanna hang out at the beach again? " he asked.

"Yeah sure"

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now