Magcon Forever Part 35.

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Right so tgis chapter is about Hannah and Taylor 2YEARS ago.

yeah just to say its at the same time when Nash saved her from killing herself.

-Two years ago-

Taylors pov.

"'ve done've pushed me over the edge...everyone hates me and right now I hate me too" Hannah said from the other line.

"Hannah...I've told you I'm sorry...please don't give up we can give us another chance"

"No Taylor...I'm hurt enough im going now...goodbye" She put the phone down and tears fell from my eyes. Shes going to kill her self.  I jumped up and ran out to my car. I drove all the way there over the speed limit.  I jumped out the car and ran into the house. Then I heard two people talking upstairs.  I crept up and it was Nash? From vine?

"If you want to end it we do it together" He said.

This was my fault,  I made her do this, and I'll never forgive myself.

-Present time-



"Do you remember that phone call...on that night when you tried know"

"Yeah...I forgot about that"

"I showed up at your house that night" I admitted.

"You did?" She stammered.

"And I broke my heart when I got back in my car"

"Taylor come here" She grabbed me and I began to sob.

"I'm so sorry Hannah" I cried,

"It's okay...Wait here" She got up and plugged her phone into my stereo,  she put the song 'I'm only Human' on and walked over to me.

"Hold my waist" I did and she grabbed my other hand. We began to dance.

"I'll never get to go to my prom...or our wedding"

"Our wedding"

"I would never marry anyone else Taylor Michael Caniff"

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