Magcon Forever Part 5.

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I woke up from Nash moving around. I sat up and grabbed my phone it was 9 in the morning.  Then I heard Nashs voice.

"Morning Han" He yawned.

"Mornin Nash" I answered.

I put my hand on my head and realised my hair was a huge mess.

"oh god my hair" I laughed.

"Dont worry I've seen you running around naked in my pool when we were 3" He winked. I felt my face going bright red.

"Shall we get up?" Nash asked. I nodded and walked out.

We walked downstairs and nashs mom had made us pancakes we ate then went back upstairs.

"Im going to sort myself out Nash" I walked into the bathroom and brushed my hair I left it normal.  No backcomb or big hair. I platted it in a fishtail plat it looked pretty neat been bright pink at the bottom. I walked back out and Nash was ready.

"I gotta go back to my grandparents to shower and change.  I'll meet you in about an hour?" I said he nodded.

"yeah sure" he said.

"and whos actually coming today?" I asked.

"Well me, Hayes, Cam, Jack and Jack,  Matt" he said.

"and Taylor" he muttered.

"who?" I asked.

"Taylor" he muttered again.

"what? speak up?" I said.

"Taylor." he said. No. No. NO!

This can not be happening!  I hate Taylor Caniff. When I say hate, I mean HATE! We have a bit of history.  okay A LOT Of history!  I'll just ignore him. I mean I've never meet any of the other boys so I'll stick with them.

"Are you been serious." I asked.

"he asked to come...I couldn't say no could I." he said.

"well just tell him to stay away from me" I said whiles walking out.

I walked back to my grandparents house and went to shower.  I got out and I put my hair in a fish tale. Put a 5 seconds of summer top on with my ripped skinny jeans. My knee high black converse and put all my bracelets back on including the one from nash. I put the picture nash gave me in the windowsill.  I told my nan where I was going and I went.

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now