Magcon Forever Part 8.

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I got in and ran upstairs to get ready. I took a shower and got back out.

I put my Jack Daniels Top on with my Black skater skirt, with my black dock martins with my plain pink jacket.  I tucked my top in my skirt so it looked nice and put my hair down. I didn't want to scare matt with my usual big hair. I grabbed my bag with some money in it and ran downstairs it was 5:45 so I had a while to wait. I sat down on the sofa.

"Where you headin sweet" my nan asked.

"Oh one if Nashs friends is taking me out" I smiled.

"And what did Nash say about that hun" she asked.


"Oh sweetheart!  Little Nash has had a crush on you since you were this big" she laughed pointing to a picture on the wall of my 5th birthday.

"Yeah abd this friend best take care of my gran daughter" my grandad said whiles walking in then there was a knock on the door.

"Im going be home by 10 bye" I ran to the door and swung it open.

"Hey matt!" I half shouted.

"Hey ready to go?" he asked and we walked to his car.

"So what are we watching then?" I asked,

"Paranormal activity five" he smirked.

"Dont worry I love scary films!" I said excited.

We got to the cinema and went in.

"Two for paranormal activity please" matt said. he got his money but I stopped him.

"I'll get mine" I said.

"no you won't" he gave the girl his money. I felt sorta bad after that so I brought the popcorn.  we went in and started watching the film. There wasn't anyone in there except a couple making out in the corner which made it awkward.We were half way through the film when I felt a hand making its way into mine. No I wasn't ready for this not yet. I've been hurt to much to let this happen. I quickly moved my hand and watched the film. I could see Matt in the corner of my eye he looked disappointed.

After the film ended it was only 8 so we decided to go to Mcdonalds we went inside and sat down.

"Tonight's been fun." he said. Matt was cute really cute but im not ready for a boyfriend yet.

Hannah its been two years! and hes cute!  My conscious said.

No shut up conscious.  Wait im talking to my mind. im going mad!

"Yeah it has"

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now