Magcon Forever Part 14.

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After I cheered up we went on all the rides at the water park then we decided to go out for dinner we went to a restaurant. I sat next to Matt and Nash.

"So Hannah we all leave for magcon tomorrow...And we all want you to come with us" Shawn smiled.

"Well I'd have to ask but I would love too guys!" I said then they all cheered and clapped.

"We leave for Magcon Dallas tomorrow at four in the morning so it would be best if you stayed at mine" Nash explained.

"Yeah! Mind if I skip the meal and go ask and pack?" I asked and Matt offered me a ride to my grandparents house.

We got in the car and he grabbed my hand which gave me butterflies.

"I think your really brave" Matt smiled.

"Why...I let them win and hurt myself for them" I said looking down.

"No your strong and I love that..."

"Thank you for not telling the guys when they asked."

"It's fine I hope you come to magcon. The guys never stop talking about you especially Nash"

"What do they say?" I asked.

"Oh everyone says I fancy you and Nash fancies you" he blushed.

"Is that just what they say or is it true?"

"Maybe its true" By now we had been sitting outside my grandparents house for a couple of minutes. I jumped out the car and ran in.

"Grandad! Grandad! " I shouted and he came running downstairs.

"Can I go to Magcon with Nash please! " I shouted.

"For how long?" he asked I knew he didn't know what magcon was but he did not want to show it.

"The weekend! in Dallas! We leave at four in the morning! please can I go?" I begged.

"Okay go pack" he smiled.

I ran upstairs and packed all my stuff up and ran back down into the living room. My grandparents gave me some money and hugged me goodbye. I ran back out to Matts car and jumped in.

"They said yes! This weekend is going to be the bomb!" I shouted excited.

"Well I can't wait to spend the whole weekend with the guys and you! Nash said to drop you off at his" We drove to Nashs house and went in.

~Flash Back~

"Seriously Hannah you need to let loose babe"

"Taylor no I'm not doing anything with you for gods sake!"

"Fine then be a bitch about it"

~End of flash back~

"Hannah! Hello? Earth to Hannah" Nash said waving his hand in my face.

"Oh what?" I looked down and Matts hand was locked into mine.

"Can I have a word Han? Matt, Hayes is upstairs go chill" then Nash grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room.

"Hannah you can't just zone out like that."

"Huh? What?"

"Look before the guys all try stuff I just wanted to do this." He grabbed me and kissed me. Oh god I'm kissing my best friend. What the hell?

When we pulled away it was bad because I enjoyed it more than the first time we kissed in dares but this was real.

"Na-Nash" I stammered.

"I'm sorry I know Matt likes you but I do to I know that we have been best friends since forever but I have liked you since we were four" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"I-i don't know what to say"


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