Magcon Forever Part 15.

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I literally had no words. My best friend just told me he loves me and kissed me and I don't know what to say.

"Nash I don't know what to say" I said in shock.

"It's fine just leave it."And with that he walked out. I felt really bad, I walked upstairs to Hayes and Matt and sat down.

"What's up?" Hayes asked.

"Not-Nothing" I stammered.

Matt put his arm around me and Hayes started wiggling his eyebrows at us laughing then Nash walked in.

"Oh hey...Yeah it's getting late Matt" he said then Matt got up and hugged us all goodbye and walked out. Nash went to show Matt tye door.

"Nash kissed me Hayes." I said he looked at me with shock.

"He did! finally dude!  He's fancied you forever! " he said looking happy.

"But Matt likes me too" I said. Hayes face dropped.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that...well you have to choose I suppose" he said then Nash walked back in and sat down.

"Hayes get out I need to talk to Hannah" He got up and walked out. As the door shut I fell into Nashs arms. He just hugged me.

"What do you say then? Will you be my girlfriend" He asked.

"Of course I will Nash" I smashed my lips onto his and passionately kissed him for a while.

We pulled away and I think that all he could do was smile. I hugged him tight and we fell asleep on his bed.


We were woken up by Hayes running in and jumping on us.

"Come on get up! Wakey wakey love birds let's go!" he shouted. I sat up and Nash was looking more tired than anything.

"Morning princess" He said in his morning voice.

"Let's get up lover boy"i said playfully hitting his stomach.

I jumped up and ran into the bathroom and showered. I put my hair in two french plats and put my 'Nashty' top on with my skinny jeans and doc Martins then I ran out and Nash grabbed me from behind and span me around.

"What's all this about?"I smirked.  He kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our little kiss turned into a full on snogging session.  Then Hayes walked in.

"ew! Guys No stop! thats gross!" He laughed. Nash pulled away and walked into the bathroom.

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