Magcon Forever Part 37.

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Only a few more to go...

Hannahs Pov.

Taylor held me in his arms in the car while I cried. He told me everything would be over soon.

"Is there anyone else who you want to see?"


We drove to Matts house and he answered the door and let me in. We sat in his living room.

"Matt im sorry about what happened between us"

"And me...I really like you Hannah"

"I know that and I did like you...but right now its time for me to go" Tears fell down my face.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

I got up and kissed Matt. Because I knew that would make him happy.

"What was that for? "

"Go find a nice girl matt, marry her, have children" I smiled and walked out. I got back in the car and Taylor drove back to his.

We ate Pasta with wine and fancy clothing so we looked posh.

"Thank you" I said as I finished my meal.

"Come on we need some sleep" Taylor grabbed my hand and led me upstairs.  We climbed into his bed and he pulled me close.



"What's heaven like" I asked.

"It's beautiful and we'll be very happy there don't worry"

"Before we go I'll tell you that I love you one last time"

"And I'll hold you in my arms until its time to go..." He answered.

"I love you Taylor Michael Caniff"

"I love you too Hannah Amy Greenwood"


Today was the day. Its all going to be over soon. I got up and decided to write a letter.

'Dear who ever finds this,

                                             Me and Taylor are happy now. Mom remember that this isn't your fault.  Nana, Grandad thanks for everything I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you...but now its time for me to go. Nash I love you with all my heart and Hayes this isn't your fault you have your whole life in front of you. Promise you'll find a nice girl with a nice personality.  Matt go live life to the max sweetheart you deserve much more than what you get. Shawn please play at my funeral your voice is very talented and you and Jacob will make it famous I promise.  Jack, Jack,Aaron, Carter, Jc, Sam and Cameron you guys are going to succeed I know it! Remember I love all of you. Right now I'm going to a better life with Taylor. I love Taylor and I always have, we're doing this for a reason,  we just want to be happy.

                                                                     From Hannah.

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