Magcon Forever Part 27.

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Hannahs Pov.

Oh. My. God.

This can not be happening.  Not Nash. I don't know what to do! I can't deal with this! my best friend is miles away in a hospital bed and my boyfriend has just been in a freak accident!

"Wh-What?" I stammered as tears welled in my eyes.

"He was running to get you and a taxi ran him over" Taylor said pulling me into a hug. Gosh I missed Taylors comfortable arms.

-Flash back-
"I love you" Taylor smiled.
"I love you too"
We were on our 10th date right now at a posh restaurant and Taylor had said he loves me for the first time.
"Come on lets go" Taylor smiled. I got up and he grabbed my hand which gave me butterflies.
We got into his car but he just sat there.
"Tay? Let's go?"
"No seriously I am in love with you"
"Yeah I know and I love you too"
"Would you ever marry when we grow up? " he asked.
"If you asked yeah...and we could grow old together" I smiled as he grabbed my hand.
"And we'd have two kids"
"A girl and boy"
"Named Ashley and Joe" he said.
"Then just before we die I'd tell you that I love you once more." I smiled.
"And I'd hold you in my arms until the time comes to go"
"And we'd live happily ever after" he grabbed me and kissed me. I moved over to the drivers seat so I was sitting on his lap.
"I really love you" he said in between the kiss.
"I know" We pulled apart and he looked me in the eyes.
"No matter what I'll always love you baby"
-End of flash back-

"Is he okay" I said as tears flowed down my face.

"I-i don't know. ..I was coming to tell him how I felt about you and it ran him over" Taylor answered. I felt tears from his eyes falling on to me.

"Hannah...What should we do?" Shawn gulped.

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now