Magcon Forever Part 33.

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His hand flinched.

"Taylor! He's awake! " I shouted and Taylor, Matt and Hayes ran over. Nashs eyes slowly opened,  but he didn't look the same.  His usual big blue eyes were dark and misty.

"Nash?" I whispered.

"Who's Nash?" oh god please no. A doctor walked in and he sent us out, tears flowed down my pale face as Hayes held me in his arms.

"I don't want to be here anymore" I whispered.

"Don't say that" Hayes said back then the doctor walked out.

"I'm sorry but it seems Nash has amnesia...and j don't think he'll ever recover"

No. Why Nash all the people in the world and poor Nash. Hayes grip tightened on me and I sobbed harder. I could feel the people around me watching me and Hayes.

"Hannah!" Someone shouted and I turned to see all the boys, Taylor told the boys to stop and all of there faces dropped, Shawn ran out from the crowd of boys and hugged me.

"Hannah I'm so sorry" He said.

"It's not fair! It's just not fair!" I screamed.

"I know. I know" He said pulling me into his chest.

After a while we were all sitting around a table in a hospital room. Waiting to hear how Nash is. Cameron had been crying all day long with Me and Hayes. Carter, Matt, Shawn, Aaron and The jacks were sitting playing cards and Jacob was playing his guitar, Shawn playing cards and singing too, Then I was laying down with my head on Taylors lap while he stroked my hair.

"I need to use the bathroom" I said standing up.

"me too" Taylor said, we walked out in silence and he locked his hands in mine as we walked to the bathroom.

"Taylor...I don't want to be here anymore"

"Let's end it then" he said seriously.


"If you go then I do because I'm in love with I said I'll hold you in my arms until the time comes"

"You remember that?" I asked.

"I remember everything we did we wanted two kids and to get married then I screwed everything up for you"

"Taylor...I'm being serious I want to end life has given up"

"And so has mine so lets just end it...Tomorrow"

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now